Chapter 7 ~ Didn't See That Coming

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Chapter 7 ~ Didn't See That Coming

~Presley's P.O.V


When I walked up to the school, I didn't see any signs of harry. Thank goodness. The other night was pretty weird and I didn't really want to deal with him right now. I still don't know why he stepped in and helped me from Chris.
He's been acting weir-

I got slapped out of my thoughts.


Some one slapped me right across the face and then slammed me up the locker.

"Hey Bitch!"

Oh god.

"H-hey Harry. . . ."

I looked away just for a minute, his eyes dark staring into mine.

"How many times do I have to say, look at me when I'm talking to you!"

I turned only to see his face 2 inches from mine.

"I'll see you in the park after school."

Oh yeah. Just what I need.

He stood tall, brushed his shoulders and walked off to math.

Great. I sit by him. This should be fun.

When I walked in the classroom and saw Harry. Right by my seat.

I sat down...cautiously. . . . . . .

"Okay class, we have that test today, so I hope you studied!"


I totally forgot!

As Mrs. Bryan handed out the papers, Louis got up and walked over to the pencil sharpener. Which happened to be right by my desk.

Before he out his pencil in, he smirked at me.


He started to sharpen his pencil. Slowly. It was annoying and I couldn't concentrate! He finally stopped. After like...10 minutes!

As he walked by he flicked my ear. Ouch.

A couple minutes later after I finally started to remember the answers, Harry kicked me.

It startled me slightly as I thought they were done for the rest of class. Guess not. He continued kicking me for a few more minutes until Louis joined in.

My life sucks.

By the end of class, my ankles were bruised and red. They really hurt.

We had drama next. Yay. Hopefully we don't do improv again. It didn't turn out so good last time.

I went to my locker and quickly grabbed my folder. No Harry. Weird. But he still wanted to see me in the park after school. It reminded me of the first time he had hit me.

When I got in the theatre, Harry was sitting in the front with the boys again. Good. I can sit in the back.


Finally Mr. Bender walked in.

"Okay class, we are going to be put into groups of 4 and doing plays. At the end of the month we will present them to the other groups. It'll be fun!!'"


Wait. Please don't make me be with Harry.

Just my luck I will. Ugh.

"Okay I'll assign the groups now."

Please, please, please-

"Abby, Rebecca, Danny & Liam.

Des, Louis, Layla & Hayden.

Niall , Sean, Rachel, & Chris

Tanner, Donny, Zayn & Jackson.

Taylor, darrian, Audrey & Naomi.

Zoe, Lina, Harry. . . . . . . . . ."


"Presley!"'ve got to be kidding me.

"You can get in your groups and I will give you your plays In a minute."

Lina and Zoe came over to me but Harry stayed in his seat for a few minutes. Good. It'll give me some time to talk to the girls before Harry can criticize anything I have to say.

A few minutes later Mr.bender came over and gave us our scripts.

As soon as we started laughing at it Harry came over. Yep. Can't have any fun.

"What's up girls!"

"Umm... We're laughing at the script. Of the play you will be participating in.... HARRY!" Zoe spoke.

"Yeah. You owe me for the science project that you made me do alone!" Lina snapped.

"Fine, fine."

He peered over at me, probably expecting me to say something. But I didn't.

Mr. Bender came over once more and told us what our parts were.

"Zoe, you'll be playing kali, Riona's best friend, who will be played by Lina. Presley you'll be playing carder, and Harry you will be playing Charlie."

We agreed and as soon as he left we read over the script.

Before I could start, Zoe and Lina started giggling. Weirdos.

"What's so funny?" I asked. Harry looked up from his paper.

They looked up too. "Did you read page 26 yet?" They giggled.


Before I could even flip the page Lina bent over and whispered in my ear.

"You have to kiss Harry..."



"What?!" He asked looking up from the script again.

"Oooooooh!" They cooed making kissy noises.

I was totally in shock. Did they just say I was gonna have to kiss Harry? My Bully?


Flash back before the party.

~Niall's P.O.V

After drama, we had lunch. It was the perfect time to ask some one.

I didn't know who to ask though. Wait. Louis, Zayn,or Liam are bound to know!

As I walked into the cafeteria, I saw Louis. He was flirting with some girls in line. No surprise.

When he went to sit down I flowed.

"Oh, hey Nialler. Supp?"

"Uh nothing, listen, I -"

"I hear your in a group with Rachel huh?"


"For drama. Your in a group with Rachel right?"

"Uh yeah,-"

"Lucky. I have Hayden though. She's pretty ho-"

"Holy mother of god, will you just listen?!"

"Ok, ok shoot."

"Listen...umm...Why do you you guys bully Presley?"

"You mean why do we, and you bully Presley?"

"Yeah. That's gonna stop. Anyway..... Soooo?"

"You don't know?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, well it all started 4 years ago. . . . . . . . . . . . "


Everybody age 13

~Louis's P.O.V

We were all at the park. Harry was sitting on the bench, Liam was picking at the grass beneath the bench, Zayn was hitting on Rebecca and I was talking to Harry. He was all excited about his and Presley's anniversary. I think he said he was going to give her some lipgloss that she was fantasizing about.

We were hanging out with Zoe, Rebecca, Lina, Des, Sean and Tanner. We were having a pretty good time until Chris had to and ruin it.

"Harry, Harry!" We heard someone yell

Harry turned and saw Chris running toward him.

We were shocked 'cause he usually doesn't hang out with us.

"Uh...what Chris?"

"Listen, I'm sorry man!"

"What?! Sorry for what?!"

"She was all over me! I swear! I didn't kiss back bro! Really!"

"What, who?"


His jaw dropped. His eyes full of anger.




"Yeah, I'm sorry man."

"No. No not Presley. Not my Presley!"

"Guess it's just not meant to be man."

His fists balled up and he clenched his jaw.

Can't blame him. I would be pretty mad if my girlfriend cheated on me.

"No." was all he said before he walked off to his house.

Oh god. What was he gonna do. Probably something out of the blue, knowing Harry.

-End of flashback-

~Niall's P.O.V

"And then you move here the year after that." He finished.

"You started hanging out with us and then-"

"What?! How could you do that to her! You didn't even here her part of the story!"

"Hey, man just-"

"No! How, h-how could you do that! That's probably not even the truth!" I got up and stormed off. Man I was pissed.

That poor girl. Probably didn't even do anything.

Man I had some things to sort out.


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My Bully (One Direction Fanfic) (AU) (Complete]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن