Chapter 15 ~ The End Is Near

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Chapter 16 ~ The End Is Near

~Presley's P.O.V



I can't believe this...he thinks he can just come and say he's sorry... That every thing will be okay now..but it's not. He thinks he can change everything... But he can't.

And I'm still gonna carry out my plan....


I was sitting on my porch. I was thinking of the perfect time...a few hours sounded good.

I just couldn't get over what Harry did the other day. That put me over the edge... How could he...ugh...

I was thinking....heathers point was a good place. There's a steep hill...and a rocky bottom...perfect..

Die hard...right?

I took a deep breath...and trailed inside. I called my mom and dad. They were away on a trip and I wanted to tell them I loved them...

I was going to miss them...but it's not all there fault I'm doing this...

After I was done telling them I loved times...I got in the shower.

When I got out an dried my hair and put on some jeans and a white V-neck. It kind of reminded me of Harry...ugh.

I put on my favourite necklace and put my long brown flowy hair into a pony tail. I looked into the mirror and sighed again. I wasn't ugly...was I? Who am I kidding...look at me. I hate my hair. I'd much rather it be blonde. Or even black! And my eyes. I hate the Colour...I deeply wish I had another. But nope.

I hate everything about myself. That's why I'm going to do something about it.

I put on my favourite jean jacket and got on some shoes. I kept trying to think of things that made me mad or that I didn't like about my self so that I didn't get distracted and change my mind...and it was working.

I Sat in my bed and looked around my room. My walls have always been baby blue. It has always been my favourite colour.

Spread across the baby blue walls were posters of HEDLEY. They've always have been my favourite band. There such an inspiration. There the only thing that makes me happy...

I got up and went to my desk. There sat all my old books, pencils and papers that I use to use. I always liked writing. I wrote short story's and was planning to major in English...until Harry's started to bully me...then that all went away....

I opened up my desk drawer and there sat a box. It had a little latch on it for easy access. It was small brown and had a heart carved into it. I didn't seem very familiar. . . . .

I took it out and set it down. I opened the latch and almost stumbled backwards when I saw what was in it. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Dozens & dozens of small, old crumpled pictures of me and Harry. Most were of all of us, like Louis, zayn, Liam, and Niall, along with me and Harry just messing around. A tear ran down my cheek as I hesitantly took them out of the box. I sat down on my bed and went through the old pictures. Some of were of me and Liam, or me, Niall, and zayn, or me, Louis, and everybody else.

As I came a crossed a picture of me and Harry at the pool at the old camp ground we use to go to, I couldn't help but laugh. We were so young and...cute. My hair was short and I wore a pink one piece with hello kitty on the front.

Harry on the other hand, was wearing some light blue swim trunks with some white sunscreen on the end of his nose. We were laughing about something really hard and you could see how happy we were....


Harry & Presley

Age 8


"Harry!" I squealed. "No please! It's to cold!"

"Nope, your going now!" He laughed. I was struggling to get out of his hold before he through me in the cold blue water. I had to make up some excuse. He couldn't know I couldn't swim. He'd think I was.....a baby...

"Harry! I-I- there might be sharks!" I yelled.

"Presley it's a pool!" He laughed.

"But h-Harry.....I c-cant....swim..."
I whispered.

There was a pause before he gently let me down.

"Presley, why didn't you say something?" He questioned.

"I-I- thought you..." I started.

"Presley, you should have told me, I wouldn't think of you any different! Lots of people can't swim! I mean Look at zayn!"

He pointed at zayn standing in the kitty pool. "Hey!" He yelled. "It's not my fault!"

We both giggled. "O-okay." I whispered.

"Do you want me to help you?" He asked with hope in his eyes.


"Don't worry. Your safe with me."

He smiled. I trusted him. He took my hand and led me to the edge of the pool. I sat down and put my feet in the water. I gasped. It WAS cold.

"Don't worry." He said. "I've got you."

"Okay..." I took his hand and gently slipped off the edge. The water was up to my belly button and I was freaking out.

"Harry!" I shrieked. I clung to him in a desperate attempt to get out of the water.

"It's okay Presley, it's okay...we're gonna go deeper...ok?"

I was to busy still recovering from my panic attack to hear him. He started walking towards the deep end. I wasn't ready for this. I was still to scared.

"Harry, I can't! Please...." I begged.

"Alright." He said. He took my hand and led me back to the shallow end. He helped me up on the poolside and hopped on too.

"We'll try again some other day. Okay?" He promised. I nodded my head and hugged him tight. I was so scared of the water it wasn't funny...

He hugged me back tight. This was so good. My life was so good.

So good.

WAS so good.

-End flashback-


I set the pictures back in the box and put the box back in the drawer. I wiped my tears and stood up.

I think it's time


I walked along the side walk and stopped at the dirt trail. Just along that dirt trail was heathers point...we're I'll soon be ending my life.

I wasn't totally excited. I mean, who would be excited about that sort of thing? I just really wanted to get it over with...

I started to walk down the trail and walked for about, 10 minutes. I let out a sigh as I saw the sign that read:


I wrapped my jacket around me a little tighter and walked on. As I passed the trees and looked at the flowers, I smelled the fresh sea water and saw the seagulls fly above me. I smiled. They probably have a better life then me.

As I was nearing the fence, I couldn't help but think of when Harry tried to forgive me...that dare he... I just can't believe him. After all this time he thinks he can just make it all better. He's probably just lying anyway...

As I reached the fence, I took a deep breath. I was scarred. I didn't want to die. Believe me. But it was the only way...the only way I could escape this terrible life...the life that few would choose if they had the chance...

I walked up to the fence and peered down at the rocks at the bottom.

It must have been a 50 foot drop.

Good enough...

I gripped the rails a tighter. This was it...

I took a step on the first rung as a tear escaped my eye.

I stepped up one more before swinging one of my legs over. I repeated the same action with the other leg.

I gripped the rails even tighter. This time I started to ball.

I'm so stupid...

I thought maybe if I counted to three it would help.


Here goes nothing...





Cliffhanger!!! ( tee hee...get it?...)

Anyway, you guys should follow me on Instagram and twitter!!!

Instagram : fabulouis123x

Twitter : Fabulouis123x

I put edits of my bully on Instagram!!!

And I'd also love it if I got some more followers on here too!!!

Remember to vote!!!!


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