Prodigal Princess

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█║▌│█│║▌║││█║▌│║▌║  by Stunner_LJ


"Your highness" a servant bowed down as I passed by.

Walking in this spring garden is a very unwinding activity. Feeling ko lahat ng problema ko sa buhay ay nawawala kapag humahampas sa mukha ko ang fresh na simoy ng hangin.

I felt free and uncontrolled whenever I'm outside that palace. 

I have always wanted a life of my own. A life that is made by only my decision. Hindi decision ng mga magulang ko. Gusto ko ako ang mamahala sa buhay ko. Buhay ko nga diba?

But of course, I don't have anything against them. I'm just an heir to their throne -- nothing more, nothing less. They'll just pass on their crown to me. I don't even think they treat me as their own child. I don't feel their love. It's only their presence that I feel.

So I decided to leave -- I want a new life for myself.

Label me anything. Label me a PRODIGAL PRINCESS.

It's my life and I can do whatever I want with it.



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