Did I wake the little princess up from her deep sleep?

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Addilynn walks into the kitchen and approaches the table to sit. " It's about time you woke up. Do you see what time it is young lady?" Says her mother who is looking at her.

Addilynn looks at the clock hanging on the wall. "Um, nine o'clock". It isn't that late but whatever.

"Come help cook. I want breakfast to be ready by the time your father walks in." Addilynn gets up and walks over to her mom. Still sleepy she yawns, "Well, what do you want me to do?"

"Just make the eggs. Turn off the stove when its done, it won't take long."

She takes a rubber spoon and cooks the eggs. The smell makes her mouth water. She yawns again and wishes she should have stayed in bed until her mother woke her up.

"Addilynn go wake up your brother and tell him to come eat breakfast."

"But mother I thought you wanted me to help you cook." Her mother looks at her and gives her an angry look. "Don't talk to me that way young lady. Now stop being moody and go do what I asked you to do."
Well I better not make mother mad and just do it.

Addilynn walks to her brother's room and knocks on the door. No response. She knocks harder and still no response. She knocks a few more times. How long does it take for a person to wake up?

She walks in the room and walks to her brother who seems to be in deep sleep. David is her younger brother who is 12 years old and get along, most of the time.

"Wake up sleepy head," she says shaking her brother. David turns to her "Ugh, go away I'm still tired."

"Awwww, did I wake the little princess up from her deep sleep? I'm sooo sorry! Now seriously wake up. Mom wants you to come eat breakfast."
David waves his arms at his sister to leave him alone "I will be there now go away."

Addilynn goes to the kitchen and helps by setting up the table. As a family no one eats until the whole family sits together to do so. Unless someone is away. A few minutes later her brother walks in and so does her father.

"Good morning," says her father as he walks in. Everyone responses with a "Good morning," and sit down to eat. They hold hands and do a quick prayer giving thanks for the food and start eating.

Eating the eggs Addilynn's father turns to his wife and thanks her for making a lovely breakfast. His wife smiles at him,"I know how much you love eggs so I made your favorite dish because you work so hard."

"It makes me glad you take notice in me," and with that they start talking about what they saw the Smiths bought the other day, who are their neighbors.

"Did you see what they bought? They bought that new dish washer that was shown on TV. Jerry we must get one too!" Why does it matter what the Smiths got? Guess what mother and father? I got a D in histroy class (last year)! Oh wait, their too busy worrying about what the Smiths got.

"Okay honey we will."

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