Just want to know your name

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Knuckle Sandwhich - a fist in the face

Earlier that day

Parked somewhere in town, James and his friends Peter, Calvin, and Victor were hanging out in James' car.
James has a 1955 BMW 507. It is only meant for two people or three if a person could be squished in-between, but all four boys still manage to ride in the same car. Two of the boys sit on the seats and the other two put their feet on the seats. One in-between the two people sitting on the seat and the other next to the passenger by the door and they sit "on" the car.

Victor and Peter are greasers, but James and Calvin are not, because they claim it ain't really their style. They don't use much grease on their hair. They dress as "Teddy Boys".
They dress in nice shirts, sweaters, suspenders, ties/bows, coats, and well nice. They do wear jackets and jeans once a while, but they are more the Teddy boy style.

James and Calvin are cousins and they come from The United Kingdom. They both were being raised in the UK, but when WWII broke out, the country was struggling. After a few years, it drove some of the family to come to America. It has been a few years and their British accents are nearly gone, being replaced with the American accent.

James and his friends sit in the car being bored.
"Let's go somewhere," says Calvin.

Peter jumps up from the car "Yeah, look at us! We are bored and we boys ain't suppose to be bored on the last days of Summer!"

"Well I want to go to that one place where people roll a ball for fun. What do you call it again?" Asks Victor.
Calvin smacks Victor on the back of his head "It's called Bowling genius."

"Excuse me for not caring much."

James groans "Noooooo, I don't want to go there." Victor and Calvin start preotesting to James since he is the ride of the night. "Oh, come on! Let's just go! You know people are gonna be there or do you have a better place to go right now?"

James thinks about it. "No, I don't, but I hate Bowling. There is no point to it and I hate being there."
It's true James hates going to Bowling alleys and he sure hopes they ain't talking about Bowling 8.

Peter starts to talk to James in a baby voice "Awwww, I think he hates going to Bowling alleys becuase you guys know who is usually there!"

Peter and Victor start teasing him "Awwww poor James! Help! Someone please help him! He's going to....." But Calvin shushes them up "Shut up! You guys are going to attract attention, and the police is going to be all over us."

"Fine I'll drive us to the Bowling alley. Which one?" Asks James as he starts up his car.
Peter laughs "I'll pick James' favorite one. Bowling 8."

"How did you figure me out?!" Exclaims James sarcasticly.
"Buddies gotta know their buddies."

Please don't let her be there. Please don't let her be there. Please don't let her be there.

James drives off and the boys make their way to Bowling 8. James ain't looking forward to it, but decides to make the best of it.
He drives up into an open spot and parks. They all get off and head inside. Calvin sees how packed the place is and opens his eyes really wide. "This place is super crowded today! Who had the dumb idea about coming here?!"

Calvin turns to look at Victor. "Don't look at me! You were the one who brought up about coming here first!"

Calvin frowns "No I didn't. I said we should go somewhere. I never said to come here to Bowling 8, becuase that was your idea." Peter comes in between the two. "Are we really arguing about this? Let's enjoy the moment now that we are here."
Victor looks around the place "Ugh, it is too crowded!"

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