Bowling 8

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Burn Rubber - to accelerate very hard and fast
Cranked - excited
Ape - to explode or be really mad
Cloud 9 - really happy


"I'll just burn rubber," says Emma and drives off. Linda and Addilynn are pushed aback from the sudden start.

After Emma slows down a little, Linda who is sitting in the back, leans forward on the front seat and stares at Addilynn.

Addilynn sees her. "What?"

Linda blinks her eyes rapidly "Were you flirting with your boyfriend Kenneth?"

Addilynn puts her hand to her forehead. "No! Kenneth is not my boyfriend."

Emma breaks in "Tell that to your boyfriend Kenneth." Addilynn hates it when her friends tease her about Kenneth. She gets embarrassed, but she still thinks he doesn't like her. She thinks he thinks of her as a tight friend too.

They reach Cheryl's house and she's already waiting for them. As they pull up, Cheryl climbs in the back of the car. "Well its about time. Took you long enough."

"It's because Addilynn was flirting with her boyfriend Kenneth," says Emma.

"He's not my boyfriend."

Cheryl gives a mischievous smile. "Why not? He's cute. If you won't, then someone else will. Maybe I will."

"Fine by me!" Exclaims Addilynn. "Don't get too cranked. I was just messing......Maybe," says Cheryl.

Linda then gasps. "School is gonna be starting soon! This summer didn't last very long!"

"Is school really something to be talking about right now?" Asks Cheryl. Linda starts to answer "I was just thinking..." but she is unable to finish because Cheryl interrupts her. "Let me enjoy what is left of summer without hearing that word. It's gonna give me a headache."

"Don't go ape on us now Cheryl," responds Emma.

They finally arrive at Bowling 8. Emma finds a parking space and stops the car. Addilynn then speaks up. "Don't you guys wonder why this place is called Bowling 8?" Cheryl looks at her "You're point being?"

"This is Bowling. There are ten pins you need to knock down. Where does the eight come from?" There is silence between all four of the girls. Everyone seems to be trying to think.

Emma is the first to break the silence. "Good point. I have no idea!"

Cheryl leans forward as if she were about to tell a secret, and whispers "Maybe the person who named this place was on"

"Who would be on that nasty thing!?" Asks Linda. "I would. I mean it's new and something new to try, but enough talk, let's go in." Says Cheryl.

Cheryl is the bad girl from the group. She likes being tough and taking risks and doesn't care about many things. Though she does care about her friends who are very close, and boys, as she likes to flirt a lot!

The four of them walk in the place and the place is crowded with teens all over. They spend a while trying to find a place to sit. "Ooo! Over here! I found a table!" Shrieks Linda. The table is right by the 5th Bowling lane and enough space for all four to sit. Addilynn, Cheryl, and Emma head over to the table.

"Oh look! There's Rita over there by that table!" She says while pointing. "I'll be back soon!" And with that she leaves.

"Well I'm starving!" Says Emma. Addilynn nodds her head "Yeah me too." Cheryl sits and leans her head back "I'm fine. I'll just wait here."

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