What just happened?

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As Summer ends, the first day of school comes. Addilynn doesn't know what to expect about this school year, but hopes it would be a good one.

As the first day of school came, the ride to school makes Addilynn feel like decades go by, but she finally reaches school. She heads over the table where Linda, cheryl, Emma, and herself sit in the mornings.
Its no surprise they are all at the same table as last year and as Linda sees Addilynn approach, she shrieks in excitment.

"Hey! You made it. So have you heard the great news today?!" Shreiks Linda.

"No," responds Addilynn.
Emma signals Addilynn to sit next to and as she does, Emma spills the news, "So Elvis is releasing a new video on Tv today for his song JailHouse Rock!"

The girls were excited to hear these news.

"I'm definitely going to be watching it tonight. There is no way I am going to miss. I don't care if I miss the new episode of the show The Ed Sullivan Show. Well, I'll miss this episode but I'll catch up eventually," explains Linda.

Emma jumps from the table bench a little from the excitment. "I forgot it was coming on tonight!"

Andrew approaches the girls and takes a seat "Well, look at us, back in school."

"And a lovely day to start it, isn't it?" Asks Linda. Andrew shrugs "I guess so. So I got my lunch 5th hour, any of you got that lunch period?"

Cheryl, who has said nothing yet, finally talks "I do. Its not the best lunch period, but I guess its better than 4th hour."

"Yeah, 4th hour is like breakfast. I happen to have 7th hour," states Addilynn. Linda happened to have the same lunch period as Addilynn, but Addilynn was also hoping that Emma would be in the same lunch period. Though they talked about their schedules and they have science together.

As school was about to start, they all headed to their classes. She said hello to all the her aquatinces she hasn't seen over the summer.
Her day was starting really good, and she was enjoying the day so far.

As the two minute bell rung for fourth hour to begin, she made her way to class. As she entered, she immediately saw how divided the class was. Half the class was white and the other half was black. One side was where all the white people were, and the other side was where all the African-American were.

"Addilynn, over here!" It was Emma. Addilynn makes her way over and looks at the other half of the class.
"I saved you a seat."

"Yeah, thanks."

It was science class, so the tables were set for partners. Emma just kept talking "Wow, these tables are a little bigger than last year's. Now we can fit all our experiments on the table without cramming stuff together."
The bell rings, officially the start of class.

A guy then starts standing by the table in front of them. "Where am I going to sit? On the other side with them? No way. This is crap, the school should have brought in an extra table."

Addilynn looks around the room and notices that every seat is taken except for one on the other side of the room all the way in the back. There's a girl sitting there with no one sitting next to her. Basically the person you sit next to, becomes your partner in class. The class is divided by whites and blacks and that's why the guy is mad.

Addilynn thinks about how James said people don't do anything about it becuase people are scared to be judged. The guy with no seat just keeps complaining.

I can do something. The girl shouldn't have to put up with that guy. Will I be judged? Why am I thinking this? Fine, I'll do this.

"Hey, you can have my seat," she says as she picks up her notebook.
"Addilynn, what are you doing?" Mutters Emma.

"I'm trying to do something good." Addilynn stands up and walks to the other side, to the back of the class, and next to the girl. The whole class stares at Addilynn and are not sure what had just happened. The girl next to her stares at her too. The guy takes a seat next to Emma as he stares at Addilynn too. The whole class is quiet up until the teacher walks in.

All throughout class, every now and then, people would turn to look at her. Though the girl next to her hasn't looked at her since she had sat down next to her. Addilynn takes a few glances at her every once in a while, just to see if she can get an expression out of her. Nothing.

At the end of class, Emma rushes up to Addilynn. "What was that about? You left me with that guy now as my partner. You were suppose to be my partner."

"I'm sorry, but that girl shouldn't have to be stuck next to that guy for who knows how long." The girls make their way out the door. Emma sighs "Yeah, well now I'm stuck with that guy." Addilynn laughs "You can handle him. See you later."

Addilynn makes her way to her locker to put the science book she received in class. It is a pretty big book and she does not like carrying big books around with her. Her next class is English, which she really does not like.

When she enters the class, she finds a seat in the middle and sits. The seats are for individuals and they are all spaced apart by a few inches.

"Looky here, if it ain't Addilynn herself."


He takes a seat by her and she only thinks about how its a coincidence. "Hey Kenneth."
He leans over a little to be closer to Addilynn. "Yay, go English right? Aren't you super excited?" He asks sarcastically.


The class starts to fill in and as she looks up towards the door, she sees him walk in.


She can't help but stare as he walks in. As he scans the room, he spots Addilynn, and they both just look at each other. Now this is a bigger coincidence.

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