Questions are everywhere

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On the way home, Addilynn's friends ask her questions about James. Cheryl is so curious to know if it is the James that broke Rita's heart.

"Does he have brown hair? Hazel eyes? Pretty tall? Wears coats?"

Addilynn was feeling uncomfortable. Is it really the James that I met that Rita spent an entire week grieving for? Is he the James that made Rita cry after school that day she broke the news that they had broken up? I mean, I'm not friends with Rita or anything, so would girl code count if one of my best friends is friends with her? I don't know!

"He was wearing a coat and his eyes were hazel?" Cheryl is pretty sure it was the James that her best friend likes so much. "His hair is perfect isn't it?"

"I guess?"

Cherly leans back on the seat "Yup! That jerk bag. You shouldn't hang with him. Addilynn, you do realize he goes to our school right?"

For a second, Addilynn's heart makes a little jump. Whoa is my heart beating a little faster? This is weird. No. Uh uh.

Emma laughs "Well what a coincidence. Maybe it is fate."

Linda is pretty quite the entire ride just listening to Cheryl being angry about the James situation. "Who cares. Cheryl, you are not going to tell Addilynn who she can talk to are you? I understand that Rita got dumped by James, and she still likes him, but we all know James tries to avoid her. Rita is my friend too, but I am not going to tell another one of my friends who to talk to and who not. If they are friends, let them be."

Thanks Linda!

"Whatever," and with that, she falls silent.

Addilynn arrives home and after telling her parents she's home, she heads to her room. She plops herself on the bed and closes her eyes. Goes to the same school. I've never seen him.
And with that, she falls asleep.

When she wakes up, she realizes she left the light on and she is still in her dress. She sits up slowly and yawns. Light shines through the window curtains and the room is partly lit. What an awful night I had. All night she felt uncomfortable due to sleeping in a dress, and it is not the best thing to wear when you sleep.

She heads to the bathroom and takes a shower. She changes in the bathroom and wears a casual red dress. When she comes out, everyone seems to be asleep except her motther who is already in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hi mom." Addilynn's mother turns to her, "Oh great you are awake, help me put the waffles in the toaster. She obeys her mother and starts putting Waffles in the toaster.

"Tell me about your night yesterday at Bowling 8. How'd it go?"
Addilynn isn't sure what to tell her and what not," Um..uh.. it went well. I did some bowling and I won."

"Oh, how good! Who did you play with?"

Shoot! Should I tell her about James? No she would get all worried.
"A friend," Is it okay to lie? Wait, I'm not lying, it's true. James is a friend right?

Addilynn's mother takes the milk out of the refrigerator. "Was it Emma? Did she want a rematch?"

As the Waffles pop out, Addilynn reaches for the Waffles. She's feeling a little nervous because she doesn't want her mother to find out that she met a boy. Her mother would give her a lecture about talking to strangers. And her mother will tell her father, who will then give her a lecture about teenage boys and to keep in mind that he too was a teen boy once. She didn't want to go there again. She received that lecture when she used to like a boy in her 9th grade class. They found out because Addilynn once wrote his name on a piece of paper with lots of hearts and and she made the paper all creative. Addilynn's mom went cleaning in her room and found the paper under the drawer, on the back and to the side. Addilynn never wrote something like that again. It was humiliating.

"Something like that," is all Addilynn could say. Her mother laughs and pours milk into a glass cup.

After a while, David and Addilynn's father walk in and they all sit for breakfast. They make a quick prayer and Addilynn sits there listening to her father and mother talk about how they are actually going to go buy a new dish washer.

Days pass and nothing new has happened. The girls keep in touch and go out every once in a while and they try to make the most of the last days of summer, but of course summer comes to an end.

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