Girl talk and Jailhouse Rock

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Addilynn's mother drives Addilynn to Linda's house later that day.

"Tell me again what you are going to be watching the premier of?" Asks Addilynn's mom.

"The new music video for JailHouse Rock by Elvis Presley! Mom I can't miss it." Addilynn is excited to watch the video especially since the song has been a great hit.

"Addilynn, I don't understand why you or anybody else likes that man. His songs are sooo... so inappropriate. Its a bad influence on young people. I've seen the way teenagers be dancing now a days." All parents think this way and beleive the generations are becoming more bad every time.

Addilynn gasps "His music is amazing. It justs makes me want to dance until I have no more feet!"
Addilynn's mother frowns "See what I mean? Anyway, are you excited for school tomorrow?"

Addilynn doesn't want to go to school tomorrow at all. All she wants is to stay home and rest "A little," she lies.

"Did you meet new people today?

Addilynn shrugs "Not really."

"Do you like your classes this year?"

Addilynn doesn't know as she's only been in school one time. "Don't know," she answers.

Her momther sighs "Addilynn, I'm trying to make good converstaion with you. I would like to hear you make a proper conversation, not a two word conversation."

Through the rest of the car ride, Addilynn gets lectured about making a proper conversation with people.

Addilynn was the last to arrive to Linda's house. The girls were all surrounded by magazines on Linda's bed. Linda opens a magazine to a page and shows the girls.
"Look at this picture of Marilyn Monroe. Don't I look just like her?"

Cheryl looks up at Linda "Most definitely. Except for the hair, eyes, nose, height, mouth, and well mostly all physical aspects."

Linda smacks Cheryl with the magazine "You killed my fantasy!"
The girls giggle.

Addilynn shows the girls the magazine she holds in her hands "Everyone knows Audrey Hepburn is way better."

Addilynn admires Audrey Hepburn! It is her ultimate favorite celebrity of all time. She has a few posters of Audrey Hepburn up on her wall by her mirror.

Linda laughs "No, Marilyn Monroe is better."

"No," says Emma as she skims through a magazine. "Hold up," she picks up another magazine and skims through that magazine. "Here we go. I know for a fact that Natalie Wood over powers them all!"

The girls argue on which actress is better. Emma crosses her arms "Cheryl, whose your favorite actress?"

Cheryl thinks about it for a second "Don't have one." She tosses the magazine she holds aside. "What time does this video primere?"

Linda takes a glance at her clock "Almost time. Maybe we should go set the Tv up and get a snack before it starts." She stands up and picks up the surrounding magazines.

Addilynn jumps up "Emma and I can help pick up the magazines. How about you and Cheryl get a head start and get the snacks and set the Tv up?"

Linda drops the magazines in her hands on the bed "Sure! Come on Cheryl."

Cheryl groans and stands up, who has been laying on the floor. "Can't I pick up the magazines instead?"
Linda walks toward Cheryl and grabs her arm "No, you can help me find snacks."

When Linda and Cheryl leave the room, Addilynn quickly turns to Emma "Guess who is in my English Literature class."

Emma hops down on the bed "Who?"

"Kenneth and that guy I met at the bowling alley, James."

Emma gasps and leans forward a little "Really?" Then bursts out in laughter. "Wow! That is one way to start the year! What happened?!"

Addilynn gathers the surrounding magazines "Well, I walked in and sat down. Then Kenneth came in and sat next to me and we were just talking. At that moment, I looked up and James walked in and I couldn't help but stare! I mean, I knew I was starring, but what if he noticed I was starring at him? My eyes were glued at him for a moment. He sat on the opposite side of me. We started talking like we were good old friends and the worst part of it is that Kenneth, in a way, referred to me as "his chick." What if James thinks that Kenneth and I have a thing? I told him it's not like that and all, but I felt awkward becuase I felt like Kenneth was looking at me during class. Turns out, James is in the same lunch as me and now I ---"

Emma cuts Addilynn off "Calm down! You are talking really fast! You do that when you are nervous." Emma pauses for a moment "Addilynn Cavendar talking about a boy? She has finally joined the club!" She raises her hands in the air "A miracle has happened today."

"Shut up," laughs Addilynn as she picks up a pillow and throws it at Emma. The pillow hits Emma in the stomach "Uff!" She grabs the pillow and throws it back at Addilynn.

Addilynn catches the pillow and sits on the bed. She can't believe she actually mentioned a boy "issue" to Emma. She usually never comes to a point where she needs to talk about a boy situation to Emma being her best friend. No talk, until now. She feels exposed and she doesn't like that, but she felt the need to just say it to someone.

"Addilynn, do you like James?"

She quickly denies it "No! I just met the guy." In reality, she doesn't know what to feel.
I've only talked to him twice. Why am I talking like this?

Emma takes the magazines and sets them on the bed. "You put that idea down fast. You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I just needed to tell you about it."

Emma laughs "Maybe when you two start dating, we can go on a double date. You know, with my boyfriend and I."

Addilynn doesn't say anything.
Is she trying to trick me into saying something that will make me sound like I'm into James foreal?

"Lets head downstairs."

The two girls head downstairs to the living room. Linda and Cheryl are still in the kitchen. The Tv is already set to go. Cheryl and Linda walk into the living room "Thanks mom for the snacks!"

Linda walks in with a bowl of candy and chips "My mom said she doesn't want to see a mess in the living room, so let's be careful."

Emma reaches for a piece of candy "At least your mom let's you eat something in the living room. My mother would tell me how it's all sorts of wrong."

"How come your mother let us eat snacks in the living room a few months ago then?" Asks Cheryl.

Emma rolls her eyes "She didn't want to look strict."

After waiting for a few minutes, it finally came on. Most of the teenagers would be watching the premier of the video. It was something nobody wants to miss.

As the music video comes on, the girls screech in excitment and jump from excitment. Who doesn'tlike Elvis?

Linda is the first to speak after the video ends "Best video of the year! I can only imagine what my mother will say after she sees this."

The girls laugh in unison. Cheryl stands up and starts moving her hips from side to side as if she were using a hula hoop. "Those moves got me dancing and I don't think I can stop."

For the rest of the evening, the girls laugh and talk in the small living room in front of the Tv.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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