The Greaser

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Note - There are words in the 50's that were used by the teens and some words are still used today but not all. So when there is a word that is going to be used that some people might not know or if a word is still used today but it was used slightly different back in the 50s, I will have the definition for it at the beginning of the chapter.

Dig - to understand; to approve
Thread - clothes/clothing
Dolly - cute girl
Chick - a young and pretty girl
Greaser - a guy wih tons of grease in his hair
Cruisin' for a bruisin' - looking for trouble
Blast - a good time
Tight - close
Bug - bother
Cut out - leave
Shuckster - a deceiver, liar or cheat

Note - the italicized words are the characters thoughts.
When a word is "italicized" inside quotation marks, its emphasizing the word.

The next day

Okay what to wear to Bowling 8. Hmmm, should I wear this navy blue dress? It's pretty. I mean it has a nice collar. Hmm, these white buttons at the top look nice too. No, maybe I should wear a skirt and a blouse?

She can't seem to make up her mind so she compares the navy blue dress with a collar and a pink knee-length skirt. She walks over to the long mirror by her closet and puts the dress in front of her body to see how it would look. She goes back and forth between the clothes and stays this way for about five minutes.

After a while, Addilynn throws the pink skirt on her bed and goes with the dress. Putting on the dress she looks in the mirror.

Oh, I'm digging this dress. Why don't I wear it more often? Now, what to do with my hair.

She looks at her brown hair. Her hair reaches a little past her shoulders. Addilynn claims her hair is bipolar becuase sometimes her hair is slightly straight and sometimes it's slightly wavy. She thinks about it for a while and then reaches for a brush and brushes it into a ponytail. Grabbing a navy blue hair bow, she ties it over her hair tie. Then she fluffs her hair up a little. Pulling some short hairs by her ears out, she places them to the front and runs her fingers through it a little. Walking to her closet she pulls out different pairs of shoes. After a while, she chooses a pair of white flats and puts them on. Perfect!

Just then, her mother walks in. "Addilynn, would you like me to make you some..... Addilynn Cavender! Why do you have a mess in your room?"

Addilynn looks at the pink skirt on the bed and the many pair of shoes on the floor. "I'm sorry. I was going to put them back into place when I was finished getting ready." I just finished getting ready, but I was going to put it back. Maybe.

"I know you Addilynn. You claim you were going to clean up after getting ready, but you always leave it until night or possibly tomorrow. I end up doing it for you most of the time young lady. What will you do when you get married? Would you leave your clothes lying on the bed and your shoes all over the floor? Your husband should walk in a room that's nice and clean."

Addilynn walks to her bed and picks the skirt up. "I don't want to get married," says Addilynn. Her mother laughs," Oh honey, you don't know what you're saying. Now clean this room before you leave."

"Okay mother." My bedroom is not that messy. My friend Cheryl though, now she has a big messy room. She leaves all her shoes on the floor. Her clothes is literally everywhere. It kind of looks like a thread store. Everything is on display and its like samples you can touch. Her accessories are in her closet and her drawers. It takes her a while to find things. Yes, as you can tell, my mother is always on my case.....or maybe I have an attitude? I don't know. I really don't like the way women are viewed. Especially housewives! They must have everything cleaned and be "happy" all the time when their husband is around. Mother is like that sometimes and she tries to make me like that too. That is why she is always telling me how I should speak and act. I try not to do everything she tells me to do though. One example is she thinks Rock 'n' Roll, which is my favorite type of music, is Satan music. So she tells me I shouldn't listen to it! But apparently all parents believe that. Rock 'n' Roll is amazing!

"Honey, would you like to eat something before you leave?"

"No thank you. I'll buy something at Bowling 8."

Her mother walks over to Addilynn. "I knew it. Here, take this money and have fun. I'll be taking a nap. Be home no later then eleven o'clock, which you should already know," says her mother who hands her the money and Addilynn takes it. "Thank you, and yes I know."

After Addilynn finishes putting her shoes away, she brushes her teeth and then heads outside. David is outside playing baseball with some other kids from the neighborhood.

Addilynn stands in front of her house and waits for Emma to drive up.

"Well, Well, what do we have here? A very dolly chick," says a familiar voice she knows too well. She turns to look to her left and there was Kenneth. He is a guy who lives two houses down from her. Everyone knows everyone in the neighborhood. Kenneth is a tall guy who is the same age as her. They attend the same high school and have known each other since 9th grade. He is blonde, and he is dressed in a blue T-shirt with a jacket and blue jeans. He combs his hair to the back and uses grease to keep it in place.
These guys are called greasers. Kenneth's parents disapprove of his style but its not just his parents. Everyone's parents disapprove of something their children do.

Putting his hands in his jacket pocket he asks "Whatchu doin' out here standin' all by your self?"

"I'm gonna go hang with the girls," explains Addilynn. "What are you doing?"

Kenneth looking at her, pulls out a comb. "I'm gonna go cruisin' for a bruisin' for a while."

"When are you not looking for trouble," she states as she smiles a little. He runs his comb through his hair "Well it'd be a blast if a chick like you comes with me to pull me out of trouble." Kenneth says as he walks a little closer.

Addilynn doesn't really know if Kenneth likes her. He has made comments like that for about a year now and always seems to flirt with her. She is very oblivious when it comes to people's feelings.
Even though Kenneth is good looking, Addilynn can only see him as a tight friend, though he always looks out for her. "Oh, don't bug me with those comments again," and with that she stops him from getting any closer.

A car horn is then heard. Kenneth and Addilynn both turn and see Emma approaching in her Ford Thunderbird Convertible. Linda is already in the car. When Emma comes to a stop in front of the two, she smiles. "Kenneth, you bugging her again?"

"No, I was just about to cut out," Smirking, he sticks his hands back into his jacket pocket. "You're such a shuckster. You ready Addilynn?" Asks Emma.

"Yeah," she smiles at Kenneth "bye," and climbs in the car.

"Later," and with that he starts walking down the street.

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