The Strawberry Smoothies

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James had to win this match against the girl if he wants to know her name. James was feeling confident, until he realizes, that he is terrible at Bowling! He has no idea how to play.

All I got to do is just knock the pins down right?

The girl offers the ball she has in her hands to James. "You want to go first?"

He had only played once and he thought it was boring so he never bothered playing again. "Ladies first."
The girl turns to the Bowling lane and she puts the ball by her chin and taking two steps forward, at the same time, she swings her arm downward with the the ball and then forward, crossing her right foot behind her left, and let's the ball go. It goes rolling and it slowly moves from the middle to the right, but when it reaches the pins, it ends up knocking six of them.

James is shocked. She's pretty good! Well at least she didn't knock them all down. My turn. But the girl grabs another ball, repeats the steps, and rolls it. Or not. Wasn't it my turn? Or do people get another chance? I bet she knows what she's doing, but what am I doing? Are the steps she's doing the way you're supposed to do it or is that how she bowls?
James looks around to see other people who are bowling and sees that they do the same steps. Got it.

The ball rolls to the left side now and knocks down the remaining four pins.
The girl smiles and turns to James. "Okay, your turn."

James grabs a ball and turns to the lane. What the? He sees that a machine sets a new pair of bowling pins. What happened to the people setting them up? Well, this just proves how much I play this.

He tries imitating what the girl did. When he let's the ball go, it immediately rolls all the way over to the side where the ball falls in the pit slide, not getting the ball even close to the pins. The ball rolls to the back without knocking one pin down. Well I suck. He turns to the girl, who seems to be trying to hold her laughter back. "I was just warming up. As you can see I'm a little rusty."

She is silent for a moment and tries to hold back her laughter and when she does, she speaks "It's fine, you have another chance."

He grabs another ball, repeats the steps and when he rolls the ball, it rolls down the middle, but gradually rolls to the left pit slide, yet again, not knocking one pin down.
"Okay, to be honest, I haven't played this in a long time."

"It's okay, I was terrible when I first started too."

Rounds went by and the girl manages to get a Strike, which is when all 10 pins are knocked down in the first try, and some where she just neeeded a few pins to knock down, but overall, she did extremely good. James on the other hand, only managed to knock down 5 pins out of the entire game.

"Well, I guess this means you win," says James.

"Good game," says the girl.

James smirks "You mean terrible game." He was just being honest.
"Good for me, terrible for you," says the girl with a smile.

"So does this mean you won't tell me your name?" Asks James.
The girl's smile fades "I don't know. I did win didn't I?"

"I guess your right. Let me at least buy you something?" Please say yes.
"Ummm... Why not."

They both leave the bowling lane and as James turns to look at his friends, he sees them laughing. He keeps walking to the food bar and wait until it's their turn to order. "Hello, what would you like?"
The girl orders first " I would like a strawberry smoothie please." The cashier writes the order down. "And for you?" He asks while looking at James.
"I'll just have what she's having." James pays for the girl's Smoothie too and the girl can't seem to miss how nice he is.

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