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Addilynn doesn't know what to do as she sees James walks in, but to stare at him.

Oh no, I'm staring!

James walks over to the sit next to her "Hey," he says.

"Hi." She feels a little awkward and she doesn't know why.

"I don't have a strawberry smoothie with me now, but I did say I would get you one next time I saw you. Soon though."

That's right. Strawberry smoothie. Wow, he actually still remembers that? I probably would have forgotten.
"It's okay. I didn't know you came to school here," says Addilynn.

"Well, I didn't know you came here either. I don't think I've seen you all these years. Not even in the halls."
Addilynn and James start talking about what they did for their reminder of summer and what has been happening lately.

Kenneth who is sitting on the opposite side of Addilynn listens to their conversation. He seems to catch on that James probably is trying to hit on Addilynn, so he breaks into their converstaion "James, I didn't know you knew my chick, Addilynn."

Kenneth and James know each other from having classes together before, but they have never talked much. They have just exchanged a few words here and then and that's all.

"Yeah, I met her," responds James.
Addilynn is quick to respond "It's not like that."

Class begins after a while and the teacher talks about what they will be learning that year, but all Addilynn could think of is how awkward she feels with Kenneth on her left side and James on her right. She feels glad the desks are separate from each other and they both are a few inches away from her.

Even though she has only spoken to James once, she feels like she has known him for quite sometime even though she only knows what he had told her at the bowling alley.

Mrs. Hunter, the literature teacher, finishes speaking early and lets the class talk a few minutes before class ends.

Kenneth wastes no time to talk to Addilynn. "Guess what?"


"My mother was talking to my aunt about your mother telling her how she bought a new dish washer and loves it. And now my mother wants to buy one."

Ugh, that dish washer. Addilynn can understand that her mother doesn't want to be the person who is old school, the person people talk about that's not up-to-date, so she usually wants to buy the new modern objects. All moms are like that. They do spend most time at home, so they all gossip with each other in the neighborhood.

"Really? That's silly."

Addilynn hears a guy approach James and they both start talking. Kenneth keeps talking and she tries to listen to Kenneth, but she can only think about wanting to turn around and talk to James.

She starts thinking about going to science class tomorrow and she can't imagine what Cheryl would say if she found out what she did.

Snap out of it Addilynn!
Coming back to reality, she has no idea what Kenneth is talking about.

"Ya know, we were having a blast, but we had to cut out," he says.

After class, James is still talking to the guy, so she grabs her text book and leaves without looking at James.

At lunch, she meets up with Linda and sit at a table. Turns out Dale also has the same lunch period and joins the two girls.

"Mike also has this lunch. He'll be sitting with us," says Dale.

Mike is just an aquatince to the girls. Linda starts talking about her history class teacher being so funny and how she looks forward to going back.

After eating her apple, Addilynn goes to the trash bin to throw the core away. When she looks up, a few tables away, she spots James. He sits with a group of guys and girls.

Last period and now lunch?

James does not see Addilynn, as his table seems to be laughing about something someone is saying. She feels a little excited about having lunch together.

After school, the girls meet up at Emma's locker. Cheryl approches the locker in a rush. "Addilynn! Guess what I heard today? Word says you gave up your seat to sit next to an African-American! Is it true?"

"Yeah, it is."

"What?!" Exclaims Cheryl and Linda.

Cheryl frowns "Why would you do that? It is wrong to do that! Those people don't deserve to sit with you! They have no right!"

Emma steps in and defends Addilynn "What are you, her mom? It was all because of a jerk who probably would bully the girl that Addilynn volunteered to sit with."

Cheryl scoffs "Not our problem."

"I don't care if it wasn't my problem," states Addilynn.

Cheryl snaps back "You should. Word gets around quickly. People are going to be judging you."

Linda cuts in "What is done is done. Lets just drop it? It is only the first day of school!"

Cheryl doesn't like the fact that Addilynn even considered to sit next to an African-American in the first place. She wouldn't give up her seat if it was her in Addilynn's place.

There is an awkward silence among the girls. None of them look at each other.

"Elvis is launching his music video today, so why don't we all just come over to my house and watch it there?" Suggests Linda. Emma agrees "Great idea! I'm in."

Addilynn agrees next and Cheryl doesn't say anything for a few seconds. "Ugh, fine."

Linda is filled with excitement "Great! You can come at five o'clock. See you there!

Linda and Cheryl leave and Addilynn and Emma walk the opposite direction. Emma laughs "What a day!"

"I know. The first day and Cheryl is already mad at me."

Emma opens the school door and they both step outside "Don't worry Addilynn, she'll get over it. She's just being Cheryl. I don't think I have the guts to do what you did."

Addilynn's mother pulls up and honks at Addilynn. "Reminds me! I have to tell you about my English Literature class!" Exclaims Addilynn.
"Tell me at Linda's house. Sorry I couldn't give you a ride today."

"Its okay, but I have to tell you!"

Emma pulls out her car keys from her bag "Looking forward to it. Bye"

Addilynn can't wait to tell Emma about it.

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