Chapter Six

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"Harry!" I heard my mom call out for me from the kitchen. I got up from my bed and made my way out of my room and to the kitchen.

Mom smiled when she saw me. "Will you go get some milk at the market for me?" She asked.  I nodded and she gave me some money. I put on a sweater since it was cold out this morning. I then walked out the front door, making my way to the market.

The market was really close. I didn't know why mom couldn't go herself. It wasn't like it was a long walk or anything.

Something moved in the corner of my eye. It caught my attention. I turned my head to see what it was. My heart stopped at the sight. A rat.

I wasn't sure id it was real or not. It most likely wasn't since we never see rats around here just walking around like that.

My hallucination were getting stronger. Which meant I would need stronger medication that made me feel like shit. They even made me sick sometimes but I kept taking them for mom.

I reached the market in no time and walk towards the milk products. I looked down at all the kinds of milk they had. This was confusing me. Milk was natural. It didn't need all these different types.

"Having some trouble here?" A soothing voice asked from behind. My head turned to see who it was. At first I thought it was another hallucination and the voice had changed.

But it wasn't any voice or hallucination. It was Liam.

I didn't answer. Only stared.

He smiled. "I always have to buy two different ones. I like one kind and Ray likes another one." I looked back at the milk. He wasn't helping. He was only making my decision harder. Which was bad. Stress would take over me and I would go crazy like I did at school.

I didn't want that to happen. Not with Liam around.

"How's everything doing?" He asked. I turned to look at him again and shrugged. "The usual."

Liam let out a sigh. "I'm not your doctor Harry. I'm your friend. You can talk to me." I wanted to laugh at that. But I didn't want to attract attention.

"No you're not. You're my doctors boyfriend." He chuckled a little, gaining an older ladies attention. I hated it.

But apparently she wasn't the only one since another voice spoke to me.

"Harry?" I internally groaned, knowing who it was. I turned my head a little and sent the boy a small smile.

"Hey Louis." Liam seemed to tense up at the name.

Right. Niall told him who Louis was to me. But there was to reason to get tense like that.

"You've been ignoring me at school. I told you that I don't mind what happened." I looked down at my shoes. "I know you don't mind it."

"Is it because of that kiss? Look, it meant something to me and I really like you. I'm willing to help you accept yourself." I shook my head. He didn't understand. Even though I somehow liked him too deep down, it was wrong.

"I told you already Louis. Gay is wrong."  Louis shook his head and put a hand on my shoulder. I could feel Liam's hard stare, watching every move.

"It's not. We can work on that too Harry. Together." But I shook my head again.

I wanted to be anywhere but here at that moment. I also needed Louis to understand that no meant no.

"Can't you take a hint kid? He's not interested." Liam spoke up. His voice wasn't soft like it usually was. It was now firm and deadly sounding.

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