Chappy 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock goes off. It's the first day of school and for me, being a senior. I slip on my glasses, because I'm as blind as a bat without them. I turn off my alarm clock and head downstairs and am greeted by the smell of bacon and pancakes, my favorite.

"Hey beautiful!" My dad greets me.

"Yeah whatever" I say sitting down at the table.

"Here you go Sum!" My dad says while putting a plate right in front of me.

"'Dad don't call me that!" I practically yell. He just rolls his eyes because he gets my attitude every day.

I don't eat very much of my breakfast because I'm not very hungry that morning which was usual. I was always hungry but ever since I changed I promised I wouldn't eat as much as I did before, and it was a pain!

I ran upstairs and searched through my clothes. I decide on a pink dress with white polka dots all over it and decide to pair it with cute pink sandals. I walk into my bathroom and put in dangly earrings with roses at the end. I curl my hair and brush it out. I remove my glasses and put in my contacts. I apply heavy amounts of makeup because I look absolutely horrible without any, then after that I'm done. I grab my new pink backpack and head out the door without saying goodbye.

"Wait Summer! Remember Louis is picking you up after school" my mum yells at me.

I automatically smile at the mention of Louis name. I haven't seen him since he left for tour last year.

"Yeah okay mum" I reply while I keep walking.

Since my school is only a few blocks away I make it there in no time. I walked into the school receiving tons of stares from guys. I walk into the cafeteria and get in line to receive my schedule. I tell the lady my name and she starts searching through the papers.

"Any day now!" I say impatiently.

The lady finally finds my schedule and rolls her eyes as I walk away. I walk over to Kenzie who's flirting with Dylan, her crush since junior high. As I approach Dylan's eyes meet mine and I send him a flirty wink. He blushes, says bye to Kenzie and leaves brushing past me as he did so.

"Way to ruin it again!" Kenzie yells at me.

"What I was just kidding with him!" I say rolling my eyes at her. Sometimes she can be so dramatic.

I turn on my heels and head to my locker. As I walk over some nerd bumps into me.

"Watch where you're going freak!" I yell at his face and walk away.

I open my locker and grab my stuff for English. I know right, talk about boring. Even though I'm a snot and it seems like I'm always late for class, I'm actually one of the first people there. I'm actually very smart but I hide that from people. The teachers know I'm smart and they call on me in class but I always answer wrong on purpose. They just give up calling on me.

After school I walk outside to wait for Louis. He's always late, typical Louis. I then see his cheap car pull up in the parking lot. I see five boys get out and Louis looking around. As soon as he spots me he starts running and I shout "LOUIS!"

I finally reach my brothers embrace. His hugs feel awesome considering I haven't seen him in nearly eight months. After our very long hug he lets go of me.

"I've never seen you run that fast since you were ten!" He says jokingly.

"Shut up!" I say standing on my tiptoes to mess up his hair. Yes I'm very short, don't make fun of me.

I look behind and notice four attractive looking boys knowing that they were the rest of the band. I didn't really know their names.

Louis noticed I was looking at them and finally said, "Oh yeah this is Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn."

I walk closer to them and they say hello with a nice hug attached. When Niall hugged me I had butterflies, but why??

"Are we gonna go?" I asked annoyed.

"Yeah let's go!" Louis says walking over to the car with us following him.

Everyone gets in before me and there are no seats left.

"Louis where am I supposed to sit?" I whine.

"Sit on someone's lap." He replies.

"Wait what? No way am I doing that!" I say back.

"Just get in the god damn car!" Louis yells. The boys jump at Louis tone, I guess they have never seen him angry.

"Fine!" I yell as I hop in the car on Niall's lap.

The whole car ride was silent. I just sat there as Niall looked up at me. It made me uncomfortable but I don't know why. I was used to guys staring at me but this was different.

Once we got home, I was the first one out of the car. I quickly opened the door and ran up to my room. I grabbed my iPod and plugged in my headphones. My favorite song started playing and I turned it up. My favorite song is little things by One Direction. Now I know I said I wasn't a fan but I'm in love with this song. It was the song that helped me not commit suicide. It was really special to me.

I got hungry so I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack. I grabbed a pack of cheez-it's and started walking back to my room. I heard something as I was walking and I stopped to listen to it. I turned off my iPod and put it away.

I put my ear closer to the door. It was the guys singing. I opened it a crack and walked in to listen with my mum. I sat down watching them as they sang. Then I realized what they were singing. It was little things. I tried my best not to cry during this song but I couldn't help it when my favorite part came.

"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself right darlin but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you maybe you'll love yourself like I love you oh!"

Niall sang that and looked at me. I don't know why he did but maybe he saw my scars or Louis told him about my past.

I started bawling my eyes out and realized they stopped singing. Everyone was looking at me.

I got up and ran to my room to be alone. I knew everyone was looking at me all worried on why I was crying but I knew deep in my heart they really didn't care...

A/N The picture on the side is Kenzie. That was chapter 1!! Hope u liked it! Plz vote and comment me some ideas on I can put in this story! I have some but I wanna see what you guys have in mind! Thanks and love you all!!:)

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