Chappy 14

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*Niall's POV*

I walked upstairs and down the hall to Summers bedroom.

I was so nervous.

I approached her door and was about to knock when I heard crying coming from her room.

I slowly opened the door without knocking and I see Summer on her bed sobbing into her pillow.

She didn't notice I walked in so I shut her door quietly and walked over to her and put my hand on her back.

She stopped crying and looked up.

I thought she was going to be mad at me for not knocking but instead she did something I did not expect.

She sat up and jumped into my arms bawling.

I held her and sat down on her bed again.

I rubbed circles on her back trying to soothe her.

After a while she was out of tears.

She then realized she was scrunched up in a ball in my lap.

She looked up at me as to say sorry but I told her it was fine.

She got up and walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

I saw her scrunch up her face in disgust at her reflection.

I honestly don't understand why she is so insecure, she's beautiful.

I guess those people at the mall probably told her some things.

I don't know though.

If she wants to tell me she can but I'll respect it if she doesn't tell me.

"So why did you come in here Niall?" Summer asked as she came back into her room.

"I wanted to ask you something." I say suddenly getting nervous.

"Yeah okay go on" she said sitting next to me.

"Uh well you well I was wondering if um you would um like to um go out with me um sometime?"

A smile appeared on her face, "I thought you'd never ask."

"So is that a yes?" I ask smiling back at her.

"A million times yes!" she says pulling me into a hug.

We hugged for what seemed like five minutes.

When we parted we were both smiling and I could see she was blushing.

We than sat and talked and laughed until late at night.

"Goodnight Niall" Summer said walking me to her door.

"Goodnight darling" I said kissing her on the cheek.

I pulled away and saw she was blushing again.

I smiled and walked to my room.

The boys were still up but I just wanted to go to bed so then I could see Summer again tomorrow.

I just still can't believe she said yes.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep until I heard noise coming from Summers room...

*Summers POV*

Oh my god I can't believe he asked me out.

And he called me darling and kissed me on the cheek.

This is the best night ever!

I was getting ready for bed when I heard noise coming from outside my window.

I peeked out and saw Ryan and a group of guys heading towards my house.

I panicked and shut my window, they heard and looked up.

No way were they going to knock on my door so they started climbing up to my window.

I was freaking out deciding if I should go get the boys or not.

I heard a crash and they had broken through my window.

I ran into my bathroom and locked the door.

They banged on the door and managed to get in.

Stupid football players.

I scrambled into the corner and tried to hide but it was no use.

Ryan grabbed me hard by my wrist and I whimpered.

"You're coming with us babe" he said dragging me to my window.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled as I bit him and ran towards my door to get the boys.

But another guy that was there grabbed me before I could.

Ryan was already out of my window and the guy threw me out  the window.

Ryan caught me but I screamed and kicked.

He wouldn't let me go.

I saw the boys run to the door.

"NIALL! NIALL!" I yelled as Ryan dragged me into their truck.

"SUMMER!" I heard Niall yell before the door shut.

Niall started running after the car but we were too fast.

I squirmed but the two guys had a good grip on me.

"WHAT THE HELL RYAN?!?!" I screamed at him.

He just laughed and shook his head.

I was sitting on his lap and I could smell his breath, it smelled like alcohol.

"!" I said in between clenched teeth.

"Nope, your going to be living with us for a while sweetheart."

I was about to scream but he covered my mouth with his sweaty hand.

That's when I passed out.

*Niall's POV*

I was walking back and forth panicked.

All I could hear in my head was Summers voice yelling my name for help.

I had a bad headache too.

I was sitting in her room.

The boys knew I was tired and stressed the most so they said they would call the police while I went to bed.

I had come upstairs and into her room.

I was in her bed crying.

I can't believe she needed my help and I let her down.

I should've stayed with her.

I should've protected her.

I was bringing myself down on this one topic.

It had just struck me that she meant a lot to me.

I looked around her room and saw her phone lying there.

I grabbed it and went through her photos.

She had many of her and Louis and many of her and her mom.

She only had one picture of herself and a few photos of her and a girl.

She was smiling in all of the photos except two.

The first one was of her hugging Louis at the airport, and tears were streaming down her face.

The other one was the photo of her.

She had a tear running down her face and on the photo it said 'Why do I deserve this?'

I started crying again and I felt like a wimp crying this hard, but she meant a lot to me and I wanted her in my arms.

I wanted her to cry with me.

I needed her next to me.

A/N Hey guys! Hope u liked chappy 14! Ill update later after I do my homework! Sorry about all the drama in there:) But i hope u guys loved it. Plz vote and comment<3 And thanks so much for over 1K reads! It means so much. Lets keep that number going up! I love u guys and ill update later today:)

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