Chappy 13

175 10 2

*Summers POV*

I guess I fell asleep last night because I woke up in my bedroom and I wasn't there last night.

It was Saturday, that meant no school!

I got up and stretched out.

I wasn't hungry but decided to walk downstairs to see if anybody was awake.

I slipped on my hipsta please sweatshirt and threw my hair in a ponytail and walked down the stairs.

I headed into the kitchen to find Niall making an ice cream sundae.

"Niall?!?!!? An ice cream sundae in the morning?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Yeah so is that a problem?" He asked turning to look at me.

"No. But now I want one."

"Come here then."

I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a bowl.

Then I grabbed the chocolate ice cream from the freezer

I grabbed the scoop and started putting it in my bowl.

Once I was done I turned around to put the ice cream away when Niall smashed ice cream on my nose with his finger.

I quickly glare at him then run to the fridge to grab whip cream.

I make my way towards Niall and spray the whip cream all over him.

He then grabs the chocolate syrup and pours it on my head.

I gasp as he did so.

He laughs as he keeps pouring.

I quickly grab sprinkles and try to hit him with them.

Then I grab the whip cream and spray it all over him again.

We both put down our "weapons" and I run over to the sink

I splash Niall with the water but it ends up getting all over the floor.

I turn off the sink and run over to Niall, but I slip on the water puddles on the floor.

I fell forward and land on top of Niall.

Oh my god talk about awkward.

We both just laugh and Niall takes some chocolate syrup and dots my nose again.

I giggle and just smile.

Someone clears their throat and we both look to see Louis.

I jump off of Niall and awkwardly stand up.

"You both go take showers now!" Louis demands.

We both run upstairs and run to our rooms.

I undress and take a shower.

Once I'm done I put on my bra and underwear and then search my closet for something to wear.

I decide on on a blue tank that has the holes in the sides that says "Stay Happy" with a big yellow smiley face under it.

I then grab white short shorts and put them on.

I then run into my bathroom and put my hair up in a bun and then curl the strands of hair I had left out on purpose.

I then grabbed a light blue headband and put that on.

I then apply eyeliner and mascara and call it good.

I quickly spray some perfume and walk through it.

I open my drawer to find my toothbrush when I see my razor.

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