Chappy 17

124 8 1

*Summers POV*

I don't know what I was thinking.

Why am I kissing him?

What's wrong with me?

The kiss lasted quite a while and once we broke off, I was sad.

"Sorry" I said quickly.

"For what?" Niall laughed.

"Ummm kissing you" I said looking up at him.

"Why? I liked it" he winked.

I blushed.

We sat there for a while and everything was quiet.

It was getting dark so I decided I should be heading home.

"I think I should get home before the boys start freaking out" I said.

"Good idea" Niall said looking up at me.

"Why don't you come home with me?" I asked.

"I can't."

"Why not?" I asked again my eyes tearing up.

He looked up at me and noticed I was about to start crying.

He sighed, "Fine"

I smiled.

I stood up and reached for his hand.

He grabbed mine and stood up with me.

Hand in hand we walked home.

I had my head on his shoulder as we walked along.

It was perfect.

We walked up to the front doors and walked in.

I told Niall I was going to get my pjs on and he nodded and walked into the living room.

I ran up to my room that I hadn't been in for two weeks.

I notice my sheets are all over my bed and my pillows were tearstained.

I am confused because I was the last one in here and there is no way my pillows would still be soaked from my tears.

I shrug it off and open my drawer to find my pj pants.

I slip them on and throw on a baggy t-shirt.

I walk into my bathroom and I look like a mess.

I was out in public looking like this?

I grabbed my glasses and slipped them on and threw my hair up into a messy bun.

I begin to walk out and then I notice my phone still plugged into the wall by my bed.

I unplug it and turn it on.

I unlock it and I see someone was looking through my photos.

I shrug it off again and just carry my phone downstairs with me.

I slowly walk into the living room to see all the boys having a gruop hug.

I smile and walk in.

The boys see me and add me into their group hug.

After a while of hugging we broke off.

Liam stares at me for a few seconds but then looks away.

"What?" I question him.

"Your just so skinny. Did they feed you?" Liam asks.

I look down at my stomach.

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