Chappy 3

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*Nialls POV*

And just like that she ran away. What did I just do? I just caused her to cut herself right in front of me. What were you thinking Niall?!?!

I run into the kitchen to see confused faces.

"What did you do to my sister?" Louis asked me with some anger in his voice.


"Well...we need to go after her!" Louis shouted running to get his shoes.

"Honey a thunderstorm is coming. We can't go look for her now!" His mum told him.

"But mum...she's out there all alone. What if something happens to her?" Louis said with panic in his voice.

"I know your sister and she gets scared easy so she will come back tonight."

"How do you know mum?" Louis yelled as he ran upstairs to his room crying.

I felt terrible.

I has caused this. I had caused her cutting herself.

It's my fault.

I told her no one would ever love her when the truth was that she was beautiful and I guessed everyone had a crush on her in school.

She was gorgeous. And I just made her cut herself and run away.

Stupid stupid Niall! I repeat to myself while going up to talk to Louis and tell him what happened.

*Summers POV*

I get up and turn around and see Michelle.

She pulls me off the ground and grabs my wrist.

"I see that you have started cutting again! Thought so!" She cackled.

Boy I hated her so much!

I tried saying something but no words came out.

"Oh are you going to say something? Cause I can't hear you!" She yells.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell in her face and try to run away.

She grabs my wrist and yanks me back, kicking me in the process.

I fall to the ground in pain.

"Why didn't you listen to me when I told you to kill yourself? Nobody cares anyway!"

She's right. Nobody does care. None of my family members came looking for me tonight did they? No they didn't which means they don't care.

"No one loves you. Your a ugly little bitch and shouldn't be alive. Go kill yourself!" She yells and kicks me one last time really hard and laughs while walking away.

I just lay there on the ground, staying still.

I couldn't move. Everything she had said was repeating I my head over and over again.

Nobody cares. Go kill yourself. You little bitch.

She was right about all of those things.

I remembered I brought my razor with me.

I took it out and wrote WORTHLESS on my arm.

My stomach growled at me to feed it but I had nothing to feed it with.

I had anorexia when I was younger so it didn't bother me not to eat for a few days.

I just sat there. Doing nothing.

I was about falling asleep when someone picked me up and carried me.

I didn't see the person but I heard them say one thing before I fell completely asleep.

"You're not worthless Summer."

Nialls POV

After I assumed everyone was asleep I decided to look for Summer.

After all I had caused her to run away.

And Louis was a mess. And his mum too.

I had to fix it.

I snuck out the front door and started walking towards the park that I believe she could've ran too.

As I approached I started looking around for Summer.

I couldn't see her.

Then I see someone's silhouette on the ground under the canopy.

I assumed it was Summer.

I approached her and left a sigh of relief that it was her.

I squatted down and picked her up carefully.

She was very light. She was dirty from the rain and it had looked like she was pushed onto the ground or something. She was beautiful anyways.

I stood up and looked down at her and noticed something written on her arm.

I looked and it read WORTHLESS.

She had cut herself again.

I look down to see her razor on the ground. I leave it.

I start walking but before I do I say "You're not worthless Summer."

A/N That was chappy 3! Hope you liked it! Plz vote and comment and tell people about this story! I want more readers! Thanks for reading my story and ill update soon! Luv all of u guys!<3

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