Chappy 11

228 10 3

*Summers POV*

I screamed and screamed and screamed.

I then realized all the boy were trying to get me to stop.

I wiggled out of their grip.

All of them minus Niall had tried to calm me down but it was no use.

It was Nialls turn to try and calm me down.

I was screaming and then Niall held me and sang his part of little things knowing it was my favorite.

I stopped freaking out and screaming.

I looked into his deep blue eyes and just stared as he sang to me.

Once he was done I had fallen asleep.

He layed me down and all the boys walked out of my room.

Next thing I knew I was being shaken by someone.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Harry.

"Summer it's time for dinner" he said flashing me a smile.

I fake smiled back and slowly sat up.

"Wanna piggy back ride?" he asked.

"Um you won't be able to carry me. I'm too fat" I say stating the truth.

"No your not!" he says lifting me up like a piece of cake.

I lay my chin on Harry's shoulder as he carries me down the stairs and into the dining room.

He set me down in a chair and walked away.

Mum wasn't home yet cause she always works late and my dad was only home on certain days.

He's a police officer but he is a all day all night one so he spends the night at work.

I'm always sad I never see him but I've gotten used to it.

I was interrupted by five boys walking to the table with plates in hand.

They hand me one and I get up to get first dibs.

I was starving so I piled spaghetti on my plate.

I set my plate down and grabbed a bottle of water from the freezer.

I sit down and start eating my food.

All the boys sit down and watch me looking like they were gonna ask me a question, but they didn't.

It was silence the whole dinner.

I had finished and took my plate to the sink and put it into the dish washer.

I walk out and sit down on the couch and pull my phone out.

I had a text message from Ryan again.

From: Ryan

Have u thought about my offer yet?

I scoffed and replied.

To: Ryan

Umm yes I have and its still a no

I hit send and then checked my Facebook.

Bad idea.

I had even more hate comments than before.

A tear was about to escape my eye but someone took their finger and wiped it away.

I look over and realize Niall was the one who did it.

I quickly turned off my phone and awkwardly looked down trying not to cry.

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