Chappy 7

220 8 1

Summer's POV

After a while of crying and screaming in Harry's arms I finally calm down enough to talk.

"Im hungry." I say.

"Okay Niall can you go to the kitchen with her?" Harry asked.

"I can go by myself!" I say getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Summer wait up!" I hear Niall yell behind me.

"Niall I can take care of myself." I say.

"Well I don't know about that. Especially after what just happened in the bathroom earlier."

"Please don't talk about that!" I snap back at him turning around so I can face him.

"Well I'm concerned about you!"

"Why are you?"

By now he is only four inches away from my face.

"Because I care about you!" Niall yelled causing me to jump a little.

I back away slowly still trying to process what he just said.

"What did you say?" I say still in shock.

"I said I care about u damnit!" He yells holding his head and backing away.

"Don't lie to make me feel better Niall."

"I'm not lying Summer! I really care about you! I like you! I've liked you since I first saw you!"

"Ya okay whatever!" I say giving him the I'm not stupid look.

I roll my eyes and walk away into the kitchen.

I grab oreos and milk and head back into my room.

The boys are still there.

"Umm this is my room!" I say.

"We know just thought you would tell us what was going on that caused you to cut?" Harry had asked looking into my eyes.

"Ummm no thanks. Now please get out of my room!" I raise my voice.

"Fine but we are worried about you! And if you ever wanna talk about it we are here!"

"Okay but I'm never gonna talk about it with you!" I say shutting the door behind me as they leave.

I finish my snack and get onto my laptop and look through my page.

Many comments say things like "ugly" "bitch" "hideous" and "kill yourself"

I log off before I can read anymore.

I start crying and my makeup runs down my face.

I don't care to stop though. Once I start I can't stop.

I grab my pillow on my bed and let all the tears run down my cheeks.

I don't stop crying. I won't stop crying.

I fall asleep eventually to someone singing.

Whoever was singing was really good and I realized they were singing my favorite part of little things.

I could tell by the way they sang it they meant it.

"Goodnight Summer!" I hear Nialls voice say as he kisses me on the forehead.

Maybe Niall does acually like me...

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