Chappy 16

125 8 4

*Nialls POV*

It's been two weeks since Summer got kidnapped.

I've only eaten barely anything.

I cry the whole day and hide away in Summers room.

The boys tell me they need to run an errand and they exit, very quickly I may add.

I decide to get up and watch TV.

Bad idea.

I turn on the TV to the news and the live camera is on the boys in their car pulling in.

I was confused.

I watched for a while and about a long while later the cameras showed just Louis walking outside and looking like he was crying.

He saw the cameras and freaked out.

I was pissed.

I ran out the door and ran as fast as I could to the hospital.

I got there and stormed past Louis and straight into the doors.

Louis followed me trying to stop me.

I see a room with all the boys in it.

I walk into it and see Summer lying there.

I walk over to her motionless body and the tears start.

I can't be here.

I run.

Through the doors, outside, into the streets.

I don't know where I'm going but I need to be far away from here.

I hear all the boys chasing after me.

But I don't care.

I kept running until I couldn't hear them anymore.

Two hours later I started looking around and saw a hotel nearby.

Might as well stay there I thought.

I walked in and payed for my room.

I walked up the stairs slowly and down the hall to my room.

I open it.

It was small.

Right as you walked in it had a bathroom and one bed.

It was good enough for now.

I took my shoes off and stripped down to my boxers.

I got in the bed and fell asleep.

I was super tired.

It wasn't very long until my phone started ringing.

I groaned as I sat up to see who it was.

The caller ID said Summer:)

I sat up fully and answered it.


"Yeah it's me" I say.

"I....I miss you" she said.

You could tell by the way she said it she was holding back tears.

I didn't know how to reply.

"Niall I need you."

Now she was crying.

A tear slipped down my cheek.

"I can't come home tonight."

"Why not?"

"I just can't."

"What about that date you promised me?"

I suddenly remembered.

I never broke a promise.

"Okay fine but I will only meet you somewhere."

"Okay meet me at Nando's in ten minutes" She said.

"Okay see you there!"

I was smiling now.

"Bye Niall!"

I hung up and decided to get ready.

I threw my clothes back on and tasseled my hair in the mirror a little bit.

I grabbed my phone and the room key and headed out the door.

I turned in the key and started walking to Nando's.

As I approached, I saw a crowd of paparazzi surrounding a girl.

As I got closer I saw it was Summer.

The paparazzi were yelling questions and flashing their cameras at her and not letting her pass.

She was on the verge of tears.

I pushed through them and then they all started asking me questions.

I grabbed Summers hand and pulled her through the crowd and into the restaurant.

We asked for a booth in the far back.

We only came here for drinks because neither of us were hungry.

We just wanted a place that we could talk.

"So do the boys know you're here?" I asked her.

"Uh no they don't."

"When did you get out of the hospital?"

"Like an hour after you left. The boys were all sweaty and freaking out so I asked what was wrong and they told me about what happened and the once we got home I called you and told the boys I was going out with friends" She said giving me a shy smile.

"So they know you're out just not with me?"

"Yep pretty much!" Summer laughed.

"So are you okay?" I asked looking up at her.

"Yea why wouldn't I be?"

"Um Summer you were taken" I said.

Her face then turned into complete fear.

"I'm sorry" I said quickly.

"It's okay Niall."

Once we were all done Summer reached for the bill but I snatched it out of her hands.

"I'm paying Summer" I said.

After we walked out of the restaurant all the paparazzi were gone.

We decided to just take a walk around the town.

It got darker and I noticed Summer was zipping up my hoodie that I gave her a while ago.

I smiled at her.

I grabbed Summers hand and she didn't hesitate at all.

We walked hand in hand till we found a bench and sat down on it.

That's when Summer did something unexpected.

She kissed me.

*Summers POV*

Niall and I had a great time at Nando's.

After we were done talking, we decided to take a walk around the town.

After a while of walking I zipped up Niall's hoodie that I had been wearing.

He smiled at me.

He grabbed my hand and I didn't hesitate.

We sat down on a bench and then I did something I wasn't expecting...

I kissed him.

A/N Sorry that was short and not very good. The next chapter will be better I promise!! I'll be updating more often because I got a laptop for Christmas so ill be on more. Anyway, plz vote and comment plz and spread my story. Thanks and I love u all <3

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