Part 2

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 Surprising even herself, she made it to work on time. When Lee got in at 5, he whistled at the black eye. "Now, that's a shiner. When are you going to wise up, Nicki? Kick him out."

"I can't. You know I can't." she told him. "I just need to make it though. I'm fine."

Lee just shook his head. He tried every night, every time she had a new bruise, every time she came in limping. There was only so much he could do. He offered her a room, but she couldn't move her mother. "Oh! Mindy said you left this on a table last night." He handed her the thirty seven fifty that pretty boy hadn't taken. She stuffed it into his pocket, figuring he'd back with another girl tonight. She'd give it to him then.

She was right, he came in, normal time, different girl. Who was she to judge, anyhow? It wasn't like her life was amazing. She was almost glad he was enjoying his. "Well, good morning." she said. "I expect you will want the full English breakfast and coffee? And you forgot this last night." She dropped his bag of his change on the table and turned to the girl. She couldn't wait to see what this one ordered.

"Can I just have toast and juice?" she asked in an incredibly high, annoying, baby doll voice. Wow, was all she could think. Just wow. But, she smiled and walked back to the kitchen to give Lee the latest order for pretty boy and the bimbo.

"Why do you keep calling him pretty boy? I already told you twice that he's Liam." Lee said.

"How in the fuck do you even know that? You are so gay it's crazy. Admit it. You are gay." she teased Lee.

"No, I only looked because you called him 'Not Harry Styles, the other one' and I didn't think it was nice."

Nicki nodded her head. "Sure, Lee. Sure." She rolled her eyes at him, grabbed the food and took it to the table.

The bimbo looked at her and said, "Oh, I didn't mean orange juice. I wanted grapefruit."

It took all of her strength not to say something rude. She just grabbed the glass, went back into the kitchen, dumped it and got the correct juice. She walked back out and set it down. "Anything else?" she asked.

"What happened your eye?" Pretty boy, Liam apparently, asked.

"Door. Walked right into it." she said, placing down the check and walking away. When she went back to the table, he had left the thirty seven fifty and another fifty. She made his change, put it in the bag, and saved it to give to him the next night. "Leaving Lee!"she called. He made a grunt noise and she walked out the door.

"Hey!" she heard. "Nicki, right?" She looked up. It was that Liam guy.

"Yes, Here. You forgot this." She handed him the bag of money and started to walk to her flat.

"Wait! I wanted to talk to you." he called, chasing after her.

"I don't have time. I need to get home. My mum needs me." she stated and walked faster.

"Wait! Please take your tip at least." he hollered after her. That just made her break into a run. Who in the hell did that guy think he was, anyhow? She didn't need his money.

"Mum?" she whispered. "Are you awake?"

"Yes, dear. Thank you for my pills." she started. Then she looked up at Nicki's face. "Oh, Nicki. You didn't need to...just for...oh, I am so sorry honey."

"It's not your fault, mum. And he didn't take my tips tonight, so I will hide them, okay? It will all be fine."

"What are you going to hide, babe?" A cold chill ran down Nicki's back. Her mother screamed, knowing this wasn't going to be good. He grabbed her hair, pulled her into the lounge and threw her to the floor. "You are hiding money for me? Me? Who puts a roof over your head?" He kicked her. "Me, who makes sure we have food on the table?" He kicked her again. "Me, who let's your dying mother say at his house instead of making her die in the hospital?" He grabbed the collar of her uniform, pulled her partly up and clocked her in her mouth and eye, again. Then he dropped her, went into her pocket, took her money and left.

Thankfully, she was able to walk. She stumbled into her mother's room, assured her that she was fine and finally went and fell into her own bed.

She awoke in the morning to the sound of an ambulance. She flew up,praying he didn't hurt her mother. Matt was standing there, looking pleased with himself as her mother was taken an placed into the back. "Where are you going? Where are you taking her?"

"It's okay, Nicki. I called them. I'm going to hospice. You can leave him. I'll be fine. Just get away from him." her mother begged. Nicki got the name of the facility they were taking her to and hurried back into the flat to dressed.

"Alone at last!" Matt said as she ran in. He grabbed her around her waist and dragged her into the bedroom. She cried, begging him to let her go see her mother, but he just held her down and had his way with her. "What's the matter, babe? Don't like it? Come on and moan for me!" She refused, so he smacked her. She didn't care how much he hit her, she'd never pretend to like this or him ever again.  

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