Part 10

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 Nicki was speechless. Liam liked her. Liam kissed her. He didn't think she was trash. She stared up into his amazing brown eyes that looked as if they could read her very soul. Her gaze moved to his full, pouty lips, hoping he might decide to kiss her again. It had been so long since someone had kissed her like that.  Actually, she didn't remember anyone ever kissing her like that. Matt had always been rough and demanding.

"So, now what?" Liam asked. Nicki just shook her head. She had no idea. How did healthy relationships start? She started dating Matt in school and that meant hanging out in the hallway together. There wasn't a hallway to hang out in. "Do you want to talk?" he asked. "We could just talk. I don't think we've ever done that." Nicki nodded, looking around the room. There was only the one chair. "Come here." he said, picking her up, one arm under her knees and the other at her back. He turned and gently laid her on the bed. Then, he walked around the bed and laid down, facing her.

"I need a pillow for my cast. It hurts laying like this. Sorry."she said.

"Don't be sorry. Stop saying that."

"Sorry." Nicki said and then giggled. Liam grabbed a pillow and put it under her cast so it could rest comfortably.

"Better?" he asked. She nodded. "Okay. Let's talk. I am sorry about that girl. I really thought you hated me. I didn't think I had a chance with you."

That made Nicki laugh. "A chance with me? A girl with nothing except a broken leg and face? Really? You are a big, famous pop star. Why are you worried about me liking you? You can have anyone. That girl was gorgeous. Tall, skinny, great hair. I can't compete with that."

"Yes, you can." Liam said. "So, your aren't tall. Tallness doesn't make you beautiful. Neither does skinny. And I like your hair. I like brunettes. I like curly hair."

"That girl looked like a Victoria Secret model. I look like a cabbage patch doll." she laughed.

"First, I have met Victoria Secret models. You want to know their secret? They don't look that great without all that makeup and they are hungry. Who wants that? Second, cabbage patch dolls are adorable. I especially like their outfits. I'll get you one." He winked at her. "And, that girl had the personality of a grapefruit, smells good, but it turns out its kinda sour."

"That didn't stop you from sleeping with her." Nicki said.

"How do you know that I..." Liam began. Nicki pointed at the ceiling. "You heard that?" Nicki nodded. "Oh, god. I'm so sorry. You must have felt terrible. You were down here, having to listen to me...I can't even say it. I feel awful." Nicki teared up, remembering how it made her feel. She blinked and a tear escaped her eyelashes and ran down her face. Liam used his thumb to wipe it away.  "I am so sorry I hurt you. I should have known when you went to hug me. You stopped when you saw her. That's why. Because you liked me and I brought home a girl."

"It's okay. I should have been nicer to you, I guess. I laid in that hospital bed wondering what I did wrong, why you didn't comeback. I guess I was still angry about that when you found me."

"And I thought you didn't want me to come back. I was so surprised when Lee called. I had convinced myself that you and I wasn't going to happen. Wow. We both kinda suck at this, uh?" he laughed.

She smiled and nodded. "I'm glad you don't want me to leave." Nicki smiled.

"I'm glad you aren't going to leave." Liam smiled back. They laid there, looking at each other and smiling. Liam reached over to touch her face again, this time tracing her lips. "Can I kiss you again?"he asked. Nicki looked down and nodded. Liam moved closer to her and put one hand on her cheek, urging her closer. She shifted forward as much as she could. Liam used his thumb to caress her and leaned in to softly place his lips on hers. He moved back and looked at her again, searching her eyes for a clue to what she wanted. His hand moved around and down to her neck. Once again, he pulled her close, kissing her harder this time. He turned his head slightly and kissed her again and again, before gently running his tongue on her lips. She opened her mouth sightly and allowed him access, feeling his tongue exploring her mouth. She began to use her tongue running it over his and carefully feeling her way around his mouth. Liam put more pressure into the kiss, slowly moving her onto her back. Without breaking the kiss, he moved himself so his legs straddled her body.

"Liam." she whispered.

He stopped kissing her and looked down. "What's wrong?" he asked, hoping she wasn't rejecting him.

"My leg. I need to pillow moved if I am going to lay like this. I'm sorry. Not very romantic." Nicki blushed.

Liam moved back, adjusted her pillow, then crawled back up to look into her eyes. "Better?" Nicki nodded. Liam kissed her again before pulling back. "What color are your eyes? I can't tell. Sometimes they are green and sometimes they are brown."

"That's called hazel." she said, pulling him back down. They kissed for a while longer, slowly, enjoying the chance to get to know each other's mouths.

Once again, Liam stopped. "Now they look green." he said.

Nicki just giggled and pushed him off. "It's really late. I have to call Harry early to make sure he wakes up on time.

"Okay." Liam said. "I'll let you sleep." he said, getting up off the bed.


"Yes?" he asked.

"Stay with me? Please?" Nicki said.

Liam didn't need to be asked twice. He pushed off his shoes, socks and jeans, crawling into bed in just his t-shirt and boxers. "Is this okay? I usually sleep naked."

"Uh, that's good. No naked. Not ready for naked." she laughed. Liam pulled her close and she laid her head on his chest. She fell asleep quickly, happy for the first time in a very long time.

Awe. - Eva

Stay With Me (Liam Payne)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz