Part 18

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So, I deleted this chapter by accident and rewrote it.  I hope I didn't forget anything and that it doesn't suck to bad. Dang it. - Eva

The next morning, Nicki was a nervous wreck. This was the real test of whether or not she could do this job. Plus, she has to ride in a plane. She'd never ridden in a plane in her life. "It will be fine, Nicki. Just stay with me. I'll get you through it." Liam tried to reassure her.

"No." Nicki said. "I can't. I'm not allowed."

"What? Who told you that?" Liam demanded.

"Sam. The tour guy? Told me that Paddy needed to do his job and if I was there, Paddy couldn't do his job, because Paddy would be worried about me and not you. I was told to stay in my place. I am not VIP, I'm the help. I need to stay with the help."

"What? He can't decided that! It's my call." Liam cried.

"Nope. It's not." she said. "Let's go. We need to eat and then we need to be at the airport by 11."

Once they made it to the airport, Nicki stayed by Liam until Sam gave her a look. She kissed him goodbye and told him that she was going back with the rest of the serving wenches. She moved to the back of the line as they were checked and boarded the private plane. Nicki kept letting people go ahead of her. She was terrified to get on the plane. Finally, it was her turn. She could see Liam walk up the steps of the plane and go inside. The lady who checked her passport asked her to wait for a second and went into a back area. Nicki watched everyone else board. Nobody was paying attention to her. Jen and the other girls got on the plane. Liam was on the plane. Shoot. She needed to hurry.

The woman came back with a man who looked at the computer screen and at Nicki. He asked her to please follow him, so she did, right into the back area. Sam peeked into customs, saw that it was empty and went back to the plane. It started to taxi to the runway.

Nicki was taken to a room and handcuffed to a table. Then she was told to wait. She tried to reach for her bag, but she couldn't move her hands far enough. She asked the lady customs agent if she could use her phone. She shook her head, no. Nicki was officially freaking out. About five minutes later, two police officers walked in and removed her from the handcuffs on the table. Then they turned her around and handcuffed her hands behind her back. "What did I do? Why am I being arrested?" she begged.

"Nicki Baker, formally of 423 Apt. 3? Correct?" Nicki nodded."You've have a bench warrant out for your arrest. Also, you were reported missing by a Matt Karl three days ago. Where have you been hiding?" he asked.

"What? I've never stole anything! And I'm NOT missing. I left him. Please, let me go. I need to get on that plane." Nicki was desperate.

"Sorry, ma'am. Our orders were to bring you in for questioning." the officer said, leading her out the the car. Before Nicki knew what was happening, she was she was being taken downtown and to jail.

When the flight attendant said it was all clear, Liam unbuckled and went back to Jen. "Hey, Jen. Where's Nicki? How'd she do on takeoff?" Liam wondered.

"I don't know. She wasn't with us. I figured she was with you. Is she not? I thought you told Sam to stuff it and kept her with you."Jen answered.

"What?" Liam cried out. "What? Where is she?" Liam went up and down, looked at everyone. No Nicki. Paddy was already on the phone with the airport, trying to find out what happened. Liam finally gave up his search and sat, his head in his hands, wondering what had happened.

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