Part 4

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 Liam drove to the hospital and gave her name at the information desk. She was already in a room. He headed to the room, panicking. How bad would it be? What had he done to her? He pushed open the door and saw her laying in the bed, battered and bruised. They had cleaned up her face, but her nose was swollen and so was her lip. One leg was in a cast and the other was wrapped in bandages.

"She's in bad shape. Did you do this?" asked a nurse. She was checking all of the machines around the bed.

"No, ma'am. What's going to happened to her?" he asked.

"Well, once the swelling goes down, the doctors will see if they can fix her nose. Her leg is broken and she has two cracked ribs. That lip might scar, too. Too bad, she was a pretty girl." The nurse shook her head. "I see this too much. We will patch her up and she'll be back, next time maybe worse."

"I need to get her out of here. The man who did this knows she's here. How do I have her moved?" Liam asked.

"Her doctor would have to request a transfer. But, that doesn't usually happen in these cases. The husband or boyfriend will be in soon with flowers and she'll go right back." The nurse sighed and left the room.

Liam got on the phone immediately, calling anyone who he thought might be able to help him. Finally, one of his managers had a friend who owed him a favor. He'd have her transferred as soon as possible and make sure she got the best care. Finally, being famous was getting him more then woman and money. He could help this girl. Especially since it was his fault in the first place. Why hadn't he listened? He knew the answer. Because he always got what he wanted. He was a famous pop star. A member of the biggest boy band in the world. He could ask for a loaf of bread from France and it would happen. And now? Since he decided that this girl was beautiful and wanted to know about her, he landed her in the hospital. All because he didn't like to hear no.

"Where am I?" Liam heard her ask. Her eyes wouldn't open all the way. "What happened?"

"You are in the hospital, Love." Liam answered. "That man beat you up. I called the police. I'm getting you out of here soon, so he can't find you.

"Who in the hell are you? Why won't you leave me alone? Don't you have a concert or something?" she spit out. She tried to sit up, but fell back, in pain. "Ugh. I hurt everywhere."

"I'll get a nurse. I'm Liam, by the way. Nice to meet you?" he said, wondering what he should say. How do you apologize for almost getting someone killed?

"I know who you are, I don't live under a rock. I mean, why are you bothering me? I'm not a tramp in a club. Please, just go. I keep telling you to go and you won't! And now look!"

"I'm sorry that's how you see me. Not a good first impression. And I have no idea why I can't leave you alone. Something keeps telling me to stay with you. I feel like I am supposed to be here." Liam explained.

"I don't need you. I'm fine." Nicki said.

"Well, I'm staying. And I'm getting you moved. He will know you are here. You are going to be moved to a private hospital." Liam said."I did this and I'm going to make it right."

"I don't want charity." Nicki said. "I don't need it."

"This isn't charity. This is me fixing a mistake. Let me help you."

Nicki relaxed. Maybe she should let him help her. She couldn't go back to Matt. Between this 'Liam' and Lee, she might even be able to get some of her things. "Can you get Lee? Have him get as much of my stuff as he can out of my place? That would be helping me. I can't go back there, but I need my pictures and things. Please?"

Liam nodded. At last, she would let him help with something. "I can do that. Can I wait until you are moved? Just in case?"

Nicki nodded. "Why me? Why are you helping me?"

"Because you'd never order a salad at 3am." Liam said and despite the pain, she had to laugh.

It was hours before anyone even mentioned her being transferred. It was hours after that, that it finally happened. She spent most of that time asleep, but Liam stayed, just in case. Once she was safely in the ambulance, Liam went back to the diner. It was after 11, but Lee was still there. He agreed to help get her things, but warned him that Matt wouldn't be happy. This would be a one shot deal. In, out and run.

Lee and Liam pulled up in front of her flat, opened the backs of their cars and looked at each other. "Are you ready for this?" Lee asked.

"No. But it has to be done, right?" Liam answered.

"It does. And thank god she finally listened to someone. How'd you do that?"

"No idea, mate, but I'm glad it worked. Let's do this. You know where her suitcase is?" Lee nodded. "Okay, you hit the bed room, I'll hit the living room." They looked at each other, turned and bolted down to the flat.

Liam started to grab anything that looked important or sentimental, throwing it into a garbage bag. Lee called from the bedroom, "He's not here! Hurry! Go into her mother's room!" Liam ran into the other bedroom and grabbed pictures and opened drawers. He found a jewelry box and some photo albums. The bag was full. He opened a new one and kept hunting. Once he was sure he got everything she would really want, he grabbed the other bag and made a run to his Land Rover. He grabbed two more trash bags and ran to help Lee. He had filled two suitcases and was going through drawers, like Liam had, trying to make sure he got everything.

Liam was throwing shoes into a trash bag when he heard Matt. "What the Fuck? Who is in my flat?"

Lee grabbed both suitcases and Liam grabbed his trash bags. "Don't stop, Lee. Don't stop for anything." Liam screamed at him and they both ran out of the bedroom, heading to the front door. Matt was trying to block it, but Lee got him in the groin with a suitcase and jumped over him. Liam followed. Everything was thrown into cars and Lee took off, Liam right behind.

They went about three blocks before Lee pulled over. He got out of his car and walked back to Liam. "Man, she can't go to my place. He knows where I live. I know where there is a shelter, okay? Follow me."

"No. She can live at my place. I'm never there and I have extra rooms. He'll never find her. Also, I happen to have a bodyguard." Liam laughed. "Follow me, okay?"

Lee followed Liam to a fancy building in an upscale part of London. He pulled into the underground parking garage, right near the elevator. They unloaded everything and went up to the 37th floor. Liam opened a door to the most massive flat Lee had ever seen. Huge living area. Massive kitchen. Floor to ceiling windows. He had a balcony big enough to have a party on. "Up here." Liam called. Lee followed him up a set of stairs that curved around and lead to two bedrooms. He went into the one on the right. "Paddy lives in the left bedroom. Mine is up one more level."

As soon as Lee walked into the room, he was jealous of Nicki. There was a king sized bed right when you walked in. It faced another set of floor to ceiling windows. There were two doors on the other side of the bed. Liam opened one that turned out to be a closet. He left her things in there and walked back out. "Think this will be okay? It's smaller than Paddy's , but she'll have her own bathroom and telly. Liam pointed to the wall opposite the bathroom and there was a flat screen television on the wall. She would be able to lay in bed and watch TV. Yep. He was jealous.

"I'm going to head to the hospital, just to make sure she's settled in. Are you okay to go home? Do you need to stay here?" Liam asked.

Lee was very tempted to say yes, but knew Matt wouldn't hurt him. He was twice the size of Matt. "I'll be great. Show me how to get back out of here. I'm lost!" Lee laughed.

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