Part 5

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 By the time Liam got back to the hospital, it was 2 in the morning, but he needed to make sure she was okay. He wouldn't be able to sleep unless she was. He found her room. She was fast asleep. Liam sighed in relief. The bed next to her's was empty, so he laid down and fell asleep.

He was awoken by an angry nurse at 6am. "Sir, this is not a motel. Visiting hours don't start for hours. You can't be here."

"I have to make sure she's okay. I don't want her to be alone." Liam pleaded.

"It's okay." he heard Nicki say. "He can stay. I don't mind."

"Well, I do!" the nurse said and stomped out.

"When did you get here?" she asked.

"About 2. You are moved out of your place. We got as much as we could. Lee hit Matt in the crotch with a suitcase." Liam said.

Nicki laughed and then grabbed her side. "Don't! It hurts to laugh. Is Lee okay with me sleeping on his couch for a while?"

"Uh. I moved you into my place. I have extra room, I'm never home and Matt doesn't know where it is." Nicki just stared at him. "I know. It's weird. I'm a stranger. But that really makes the most sense. He'll never find you. We will get you a new job. Actually! I know of a job! Harry needs a new PA. His old one is getting married. There you go. I'd hire you, but I can't fire Jen. She's too good."

"Uh, can you slow down? I'm just waking up from being beaten senseless. I need surgery to fix my face. Harry isn't going to hire me. And I have no experience. Just, let me heal a bit before you keep trying to save me, okay? You have a superman complex, don't you?" Nicki said.



"I have a batman complex." Liam smiled.

Nicki's new doctor came in after Liam left. He had to go do Pop star things. The doctor explained how he was going to fix her nose and lip. She might have a scar on her lip, but it would be small and he'd give her cream to help it fade. He didn't think there was any permanent damage to her eyes. The blood from the broken vessels was already receding. Her leg was healing fine, too. "I'll get you back to the beautiful girl you were." the doctor told her.

"I wasn't beautiful, so if you could make me beautiful, that would be a miracle." Nicki laughed.

"Well, Liam is quite taken with you. He was the one who asked me to make you beautiful again."

Nicki couldn't do anything except blush.

The doctor wanted to give her one more day to let the swelling go down in her nose. She decided to try and talk to her mother. Nicki called information and was connected to the hospice. Seconds later, she was talking to her mum. "I moved out, mum. I really did. And I'm going to be okay. I promise."

"Oh, Nicki. I am so glad. I have been worried. I haven't heard from you and I assumed the worst. I'm glad I was wrong. Can you come see me? I need to see you." her mum asked.

"I'm having surgery tomorrow. I'll come as soon as they let me, okay? Just hold on a few more days. I love you, mum."

Her mother sounded tired but said, "I love you, too. I'll try to wait for you."

Nicki had a feeling her mother wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. She needed to get better and get out of this hospital. And that was another thing. She had no idea where Liam lived and she had no way to get a hold of him. She didn't have a cell phone and he hadn't left a number anyhow. Nicki felt completely out of control of her own life. What if Liam didn't come back?

She couldn't think about that. She decided to just relax and watch TV. People brought her food for once and she liked that feeling. She laughed, thinking she was probably the only person who was happy to be in the hospital. She was especially happy when a nurse came and showed her how to shower with a cast on. She hadn't washed her hair in days. Now she knew she was crazy for sure!

The next day was surgery day. Nicki had never had surgery of any kind, let alone surgery that could change how she looked. The doctor had asked for a picture but the only one she had on her was on her ID and it wasn't the best. They took her to surgery early in the morning and the next thing she knew it was late afternoon and she was back in her room, alone, with gauze up her nose. It had to be the most uncomfortable thing she had ever felt. It wasn't painful, it was just odd.

She kept asking when she could leave. She wanted to see her mother. The doctor needed to give her the all clear before she could go. She called her mother everyday, hoping to give her the strength to hold on until she could get there. Also, Liam still hadn't come back. He must have changed his mind about helping her. But, at least she got her face back.

Three days after the surgery, she was told that she could be discharged that day, if she felt ready. She was more than ready to leave the hospital, she just didn't know where to go after that. Shedecided the best course of action was to call the diner and talk to Lee. He hadn't talked to Liam, either, but he did have his number and he would call him. She explained that she was being discharged and was going to the hospice. She couldn't wait. Every day her mum sounded worse.

All Nicki had was the clothes she'd been brought in wearing, her uniform, but luckily for her, there was enough money in the pocket to take the bus. They wheeled her out of the hospital, in a wheelchair, told her goodbye and she got up and walked to the bus stop. That had to be the strangest experience of her life. The hospital takes care of you until they get you out the door, then BAM! Goodbye. It was a short ride to the hospice and once she arrived, she hobbled in, asked for her mother and was taken right to her. They didn't think she had much longer.

"Mum?" Nicki said, approaching the bed. The nurse pulled up a chair for her to sit in. She sat had held her mum's hand, waiting.

"Nicki? Is that you?" her mother whispered.

"Yes, it's me. I'm fine. The nurse said you've been hanging on, waiting for me. I'm here, mum. I'm going to be okay. You can let go. Dad's been waiting years to see you."

"Nicki, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm good. I'm safe." She replied.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." her mother was trying to say.

"Don't be sorry for anything. You are a great mum. I love you. You did a great job, I swear. Dad would be proud." Nicki didn't want her to worry. She just held her hand and laid her head on the bed. She'd never seen her mother like this. Skinny, hair falling out in clumps, unable to lift her hand or move her head. She knew her mum was in pain. She knew it was time. "Let go, mum. It's okay." Her mother closed her eyes and rested, Nicki holding her hand. She swore she could feel the life leave her mother. One second her hand was warm and the next the warmth was gone. Nicki crawled into bed with her mother's body and wept. She was completely alone. Her mother was gone and she was alone.

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