Part 17

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 After showering, Liam wanted to take her out. The first show of the European tour was starting tomorrow. All of the boys had voted to make London a "home base" and not stay in hotels, whenever possible. So, tomorrow, they all flew to Spain and then back that night. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her today because tomorrow she was Harry's.

They started with breakfast, them in one booth, eating pancakes, and Paddy in another, trying to give them privacy. She was starting to realize that her only true alone time with Liam would be in his bedroom.

After breakfast, he took her shopping. She had told him that she didn't own a bathing suit and had never even been on a plane, let alone swimming. They went into several stores and he picked out clothes for her that she never would have picked. She now owned several sun dresses, fancy dresses, cute short sets and much to her dismay, a bathing suit. He found one that had a wrap, so she could cover the burns.

Then he pulled her to the ladies intimates section. She refused to anywhere near there with Paddy watching. Liam convinced him to stand in the aisle and look mean. She also refused more than half of what Liam wanted. "Hell, no. I like my underwear to cover my ass. You can put that right back, buddy." Not even the puppy dog face was going to work. She did let him buy her one cute nighty, but she preferred to sleep in her nice cotton pajamas that she had saved up to buy for herself last Christmas. She wrapped them and put from Matt, so he wouldn't get mad at her for buying them. She found a few more that where similar and bought those instead.

Liam tried to drag her to the purses, but she told him he had done way more than enough and she was tired of shopping. She'd never been to downtown London and she wanted to see all of the tourist things. He agreed to take her to the eye and out to lunch. After that, he would be tired he said, and would need a nap. Then he winked at her.

Back at the flat, she called Harry to make sure he knew the airport times and where to meet the plane. He told her he'd be fine. Then she headed up stairs to pack what she needed. They weren't staying the night, so she packed a simple carry on. Then she heard Liam call her from up in his room. "Jen says to ask you about packing. Come here!" he hollered.

She hurried up the stairs, having no idea what he was talking about."What do you need? You shouldn't need to pack anything. Jen has a charger for you phone." she said as she walked in the door.

"I know." Liam said. She looked around. He was laying on his bed in his boxers. She laughed. "Shut the door and come here. Don't laugh at me!"

Nicki shut the door and stood next to the bed. Liam grabbed her hand and pulled her down onto the bed. "What do you want, Liam?"

"You" he said. She just laughed and kicked off her shoe.

"Do you want me any certain way?"

"Less clothes, would be nice." he answered. Nicki took off her top. "And the pants. I don't have pants on. And I've seen you naked. You've seen me naked. No big deal."

"Make it dark in here, first." Nicki said, standing back up. Pulling jeans on and off over the cast was difficult at best. "You don't need to see me dancing around trying to take off my pants." Liam hit a few buttons and the windows darkened, make it nearly pitch black in the room. "Perfect" she said, getting off the pants and crawling into the bed. "Why can I get into your bed? Why is mine so high?"

"No idea. I didn't pick the furniture." Liam said. "No more talking. Come here." He grabbed her and pulled her to him, giving her soft, gentle kisses while he rubbed his hands everywhere he could reach on her body. He took one hand and tried to put it into her panties and she pushed it away. "Why?" he asked. "I've seen the burns. I don't care. Let me touch you." he pleaded.

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