Trying to Forget

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Joe's POV

My mind whirls at the thought that I won't see her again I feel empty and hopeless. The thought rains over me as I feel like I'm letting go of a life changing opportunity. We talked for hours which seemed like days, and now I'm letting her slip through my fingers. I kick myself realizing I should have asked for her number or something.

We are departing from the plane and she seems so far away, even though shes behind me. Caspar and Ollie are being idiots as they tease me, making love hearts with their hands and pointing at Verity. I feel conscious that she might see and get the wrong idea about me. As we make our way through into the airport, I see her walk away from me, I hope that she'll turn around one last time and show me her angelic smile, that sends shock waves through me. I've just met her yes but I feel as though I have known her forever. My hope true as her beautiful wavy brown hair tosses over her shoulder, as she looks back at me with her beautiful brown eyes. Her delicate hand moves up and makes a slight wave and her smile widens. I clumsily wave back, starring at her as she moves further away, I feel an ache in my stomach.

'Are you OK, mate' Oli's voice is in a worrying tone as he realizes I have gone into deep thought, leaning my forehead against the window of the taxi. I look at him and shrug, timing my yawn just right. He nods at my reply and continues to scroll through Facebook. I begin to vlog my way home and show the houses and cars flying by the car window. I turn it off as I see my road coming up and we all pile out of the car.

Oli has decided to stay at ours for the night, to make things easier. We are all watching some random movie that was on sky, it my thoughts aren't straight enough to think about what's going on. All I can hear is her laugh, all I can smell is her perfume and all I can see is her hypnotizing eyes. I go through camera roll on my phone, looking through selfies of her and me, the funny faces it doesn't bother me as she looks beautiful in everyone of them.

Verity POV

I have just parked my car in front of my house and I can't help but stare in to outer space, when I think of Joe. My mind flicks through our conversations and snippets of him laughing. I soon realize that I have been starring in to nothing for more than 10 minuets, I come back to earth and get my stuff out my car. As I walk towards my burgundy door and reach for my cold keys, I realize who's on the other side, Riley.

He made me dinner, he asked about the journey and asked about the book. I dodged every chance of breaking up with him, so I would spare his feelings. I soon discover the silence that has shadowed the room, I decide to break it. 'I want to move' I come out with it in a harsh, straight manor. He begins to sit more upright as confusion sweeps his mind. 'I don't like it here, I want to move closer to James, I like the neighborhood there.' The awkwardness begins to thicken as I hit him with the punch line, and boy does it sting. 'I'm moving out, by myself.' I shuffle not knowing what to do as he violently gets up and collects his keys and leaves. Guilt swarms me in the lonely apartment.

I called James, who soon later decided that he doesn't want me to book in to a hotel, so I'm going to live with him until everything is sorted. A name comes to my mind as single life approaches me, Joe. Its too soon to get involved in anyone new, my phone shouts at me to find him on Facebook or something, maybe twitter? Love songs play on my iPod, which makes me think even more about Joe. I'm packing my bags again, to go to James' its 18:25, and James is picking me up at 19:00. Ever since mum died, I've been spending more time with him and I find it easier to talk to him then anyone else, until Joe that is. Why can't I get it in the my thick skull that I probably won't see him again, maybe on YouTube yeah, but not on the street.

As James pulls up, he hugs me the way he always has in times like this. Part of me is sad, yes but I'm not upset. I get in to James' car and we drive to his, Megan Trainer is on the radio and we just can't help our selves but sing along, we were always known as kids as the two twins that never stopped singing, but maybe that has something to do with dads work.

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