Loke the Lion

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To be frank, living as a celestial spirit can get boring sometimes. You get tired of watching Scorpio making out with Aquarius, and Taurus talking non-stop about Lucy's... well, you know what I mean. The only good parts are when Aries and I talk, or Lucy summons me. Today began like this:
I bumped into Cancer while walking to the Zodiac Circle, you know, those stepping stones arranged around the star? We had a conversation, and it was mildly amusing.
"Hey Leo," Cancer began in his low voice. "Lucy might summon me a few times in the next two weeks or so, but I'm gonna be on vacation. Can you cover for me?"
"Sure." I shrugged.
"Just don't don't do anything with my baby's hair. I can cut it when I come back."
"Uh, OK?" I said, trying to stifle a laugh. Just then, a voice rang out through the spirit world.
"Open, gate of the Scorpion, Scorpio!" That's Lucy's voice. Every time someone summons a spirit, their voice is broadcasted throughout the spirit world. If you can imagine, it gets kinda annoying.
"I gotta go, honey." Scorpio grinned at Aquarius from across the street. "See ya!" He disappeared in a golden shimmering light.
"So," Cancer continued. "I'll trust that you can cover for me. I'll be going now." He ran off, his scissors clacking in his hands.
I walked to the other side of the path. Suddenly, Scorpio popped back in front of me.
"Scorpio!" I shouted. "Why the heck are you back so early?"
"Couldn't handle it." He swallowed. "She's gonna call someone else."
Just as the words left his mouth, Lucy's voice rang out again.
"Open, Gate of the Lion, Loke!"
"That's my cue." I said, and I disappeared.
I appeared right in front of Lucy. It looks like Fairy Tail has been having a magic contest, and Lucy's been paired up against... Juvia.
"Scorpio couldn't handle Juvia? I asked.
"Yes, but, every time he attacks, his sand is rendered useless against Juvia's water!"
An idea popped into my head.
"Lion Brilliance!" I shouted, and the lion exploded out at Juvia.
"Your attacks are useless against my water body!" She cried. But she was wrong. Her water body acted like a prism against my light, making it ten times stronger. The light blasted a hole in her water body, and Juvia fell to the ground, defeated.
"And the winner is: OUR LOVELY LUCY HEARTFILLIA!!!!" Master Makarov announced.
"Phew! Thanks Loke!" Lucy smiled.
"Anytime." I grinned.
"Close, gate of the Lion!" And I am sent back to the Spirit World.
As soon as I appeared, Aries, Scorpio, and Taurus ran over to me.
"Are you okay? I am so sorry!" Aries cried.
"Sorry for what?" I asked. This made Aries blush.
"Sorry for being sorry!" She said.
"Did Lucy beat Juvia?" Scorpio asked.
"Yup!" I replied proudly.
"Was my baby' lookin' as hot as usual?" Taurus mooed.
"Uh, yes?" It's best to say yes to Taurus' perverted questions.
After that, Scorpio and Taurus left, but Aries stayed.
"Are you okay?" She asked again.
"I'm alright Aries..." I said. "Juvia didn't even have a chance to attack!"
"Nice to know." Aries smiled shyly. "What did you do, Leo?"
"Water can magnify to power of Regulus several times, so Juvia's water body was a perfect prism."
"Good idea." Aries paused. "Do you want to go to the Zodiac Circle together?"
I blushed. "Um, sure." And we both walked to the circle, hand in hand.

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