Wait... what?

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"Alrighty!" Lucy took out her key. "Open, Horlogium!" The sound of bells and a golden light was sensed as a large, old-fashioned pendulum clock appeared. 

"Hello!" Horologium greeted them as his mustache bounced. "May I be of service to you?" 

"Yep!" The remaining Zodiacs all popped out of the Spirit World. 

Loke cleared his throat. "Say, Horologium..."

"Have you..." Gemini continued.

"...Been hiding any gigantic winged horses with the power to destroy the world lately?" Capricorn finished.

The room went silent. "No..." Horologium sweat dropped. "I can't say that I have."

"You're lying!" Libra sang in a cheerful voice. "I can tell!" 

Horologium sweat dropped even harder as Taurus, Loke, and Capricorn rounded on him. "Please, stop! You've got it all wrong!"

"Yeah?" Loke cracked his knuckles. "What happened to a gigantic winged horse then?"

"Ah, you don't understand. But it's about time I told you." Horologium went into the corner, and every Zodiac found themselves a seat. 

"I am, indeed, hiding Pegasus inside of me. BUT!" He held up one knobby finger. "I did not do it on purpose. You see, it is a known fact that Pegasus has every magic from the Zodiacs. But what is not known, is that Pegasus also has access to FUTURE magics gained by the Zodiacs as well!"

"So?" Aquarius asked. "What does a future magic anomaly have anything to do with this?"

"Simply put, remember the time Capricorn "gained" Human Insubordination Magic?"

"How could I forget?" Loke winced. 

"Sorry." Capricorn brayed. 

"Yes. In the same way that Zoldeo entered his body and took control of him, Pegasus did that with me, too. Except, he didn't take control of me, he just wanted to hide for a while."

"Ah." Lucy said. "In that way, he wouldn't be found by the Zodiacs, but he would also be able to see the world when you left."

"Indeed. So, I would give Pegasus up if I could, but I cannot."

"But I can." Loke stood up. "Let's take this outside, shall we?"


The group stood outside of Magnolia, in the field surrounding the town. 

"Barrier ready?" Loke asked.

"Ready!" Levy declared.


"Got 'em!" Libra said. 

"You ready? KIYAA! REGULUS!" A golden flash of blinding light exploded throughout the world. Gradually, it began to die down. As Lucy and Levy blinked, they were greeted by the sight of a snow white horse standing in the field. 

"YIPE!" He whinnied, and shot for a gap in their formation. BANG! He whacked into a solid wall of white light. 

"ACK!" Libra had shot her crushing gravitational magic at him, which pinned him to the ground.

"Hello, Pegasus!" Loke grimaced. Horologium, looking slightly frazzled with his mustache tilted, straightened himself. 

"Ahh... your Majesty Loke the Lion..." His eyes darted wildly around, looking for an escape. 

"Stop with the playacting Pegasus!" Aquarius slapped her tail on the ground. "You're galloping on some pretty thin ice right now. The Celestial King will be soooo mad at you!"

"Yes..." Pegasus sighed. Lucy had never seen someone look so defeated. "But you must admit... what would you have done if you had to stay in the Spirit World forever?"

"Well." Capricorn straightened. "We're not saying that we agree with His Majesty. As Zodiac Spirits, we understand what it feels like to be wasting away in the Spirit World. But it wasn't right of you to hide like that."

"Would he have listened?" The horse asked. "Sometimes, our King can be too focused on one thing and lose track of another."

"Wait wait wait..." Lucy said. All of the Zodiacs turned to look at her, and under their intense gazes, she blushed. "What does it feel like to get locked in the Spirit World?"

"To be locked in the outside world... is like your soul is slowly rotting into pieces, your power getting sapped away." Loke looked back.

"But to be locked in our world, that's a different story." Pegasus said. "It is like air is being pumped into you, and you get restless and tired."

"Pegasus." Libra stepped forwards. "We're not against your argument. As a matter of fact, I believe, and I speak for all of us, that your punishment was slightly more harsh than it should have been." Pegasus snorted. 

"However, we must obey His Majesty in bringing you back. But rest assured, we will try to argue on your side."

"Alright." Pegasus sighed in defeat. As the Zodiacs prepared to open the Sol Gate, Lucy decided to talk to Pegasus.

"You know..." She trailed off. "The Zodiacs only wanted to capture you because they had to."

"I know. But that freedom was just too alluring. The Celestial King thought that keeping in the Spirit World would be safe, as I could still use my powers. However, the one thing that he didn't understand is that just because he stays in the Celestial World all the time doesn't mean that I want to!" Just then, the Sol Gate started up.

"Bye. And good luck on your trial!"

"Thank you." Pegasus got up and slowly walked to the gate.

"I wish I could help more." Lucy sighed.

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