Special event: Loke's POV part 1

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As time went by, Loke's wounds slowly got better. By the time he was able to go out on jobs again, it was Valentine's Day. In the Celestial Spirit World, it was custom for a male Zodiac Spirit to ask any female spirit out on a date. Somehow, Loke, Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius had avoided this tradition every single year. As a matter of fact, the only Zodiac Spirit who actually followed this custom was Scorpio. (surprise, surprise) but this year, the Spirit King has ordered these guys to do it. So let's see what they're doing right now.
Loke's POV/Loke's house
"What!?" Capricorn brayed when I told him the horrible news.
"Noooooo!" Taurus mooed in grief when he heard.
As for Sagittarius, he just went into a corner of my house and cried. Apparently, we had to ask a girl out this Valentines Day. Thanks to some miracle, we had avoided this stupid custom for all the other years, but not this year.
"Oh and," Scorpio grinned while watching our agony. "You guys better hurry, 'cause there are a lot of boys, but not a  lot of hot girls." I punched him.
"Did you just punch me Leo?!?!?!" He screamed when he recovered.
"No," I responded. "I simply touched your face...with my knuckles...while covered in light...at 888 mph!"
Scorpio grabbed a chair and from my desk and threw it at me.
"Did you just hit me with a chair Scorpio!?!?!?" I roared.
"No," He responded. "I just high-fived...your face...with a chair...made of steel!"
I gave him a -_- face.
"Feel my pain." Scorpio grinned.
"Anyway!" Capricorn announced above the hullabaloo. "If we have to ask a girl out-"
"Which we doo." Taurus grumbled.
"Then why don't we make the most out of it?" He continued.
"Right." Taurus mooed. "Except we have to wear a suit."
I frowned. "What's so bad about a suit? I wear one all the time."
"Yeah," Taurus responded. "But it feels like a snake constricting you, or a Dragon crushing you in its' jaws or-"
"Dude!" Capricorn exclaimed. "It's a suit, not a torture weapon!"
"But still!" Taurus yelled.
"Time is ticking..." Horologium appeared in the chaotic scene. "Libra and Aquarius have been taken."
"What!? Who took Libra?" We all yelled in unison.
Horologium stood even taller than he was now. "Sagittarius."
"B-b-but..." I stuttered. "Sagittarius is right here in the cor-" He was gone.
"Wheredidhego!?!?!?!?!?!" Capricorn slurred.
"Ok, I'm outta here!" Taurus sprinted out the front door.
"Me too." I followed him.
"So," I said to Taurus. "There are only two Female Zodiacs left, not counting Aquarius."
"Right." Taurus replied. "Virgo and Aries."
"Who do you want?" Capricorn, who apparently had decided to follow us, asked.
"Virgo." Taurus mooed.
"Me too." Capricorn grinned. "Guess we're 'love rivals' now."
"I want Aries." I muttered.

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