And then... it happened. Aries' POV

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"Well," Levy said. "What can we do to help you guys?"

"REALLY?!" All of us fell off of our perches.

"Well of course!" Lucy smiled. "Anything to help you guys!"

"It's just, you know, like no one, um..." I stammered shyly. It's really at time like these that I hate my stone-solid tongue.

"I-I think what she's trying to say is that no one would ever-" The twins were sobbing freely. They do tend to be a little dramatic sometimes. Loke shifted uncomfortably on the floor where he had fallen.

"Ah, Lucy, it's really nice of you to offer your help, and of course you too Levy." He added hastily. "It's just that it's quite dangerous for you to get involved in this top secret case."

"Danger? How?" Questioned Levy.

"Well," Virgo propped her head on a pillow. "To tell you the truth, His Majesty doesn't like humans too much. He's always worrying about how their going to one day overthrow the entire Spirit World. So if he figures out that you and the Princess are looking for the whereabouts of Pegasus, he'll take you guys as a hostile threat to the Kingdom's safety, and he'll take the Princess' keys."

"Are you still sure that you want to do this?" Loke asked.

"Sure!" Lucy stubbornly persisted. "I saved you Loke, even though it was nearly impossible."

"Yeah, I know." The Gemini Twins wiped each other's faces off, and they stood up.

"Well, thanks Lucy. If you really want to help us, you should try looking in the Guild Library. Mavis Vermillion has been around for a long time, so she should have heard something about the disappearance of Pegasus too."

"Alright. Anything else Gemini?"

"Um, and don't use Crux or let Lyra know about what you're doing. They're both terrible liars."

"A question though..." Levy held up her hand. "Have you tried turning into Pegasus, Gemini?"

"Yeah, obviously!" Mini squeaked. "That was, like, one of the first things we did when he went missing! But for some reason," He continued. "We couldn't sense anything. Where ever he is, some extraordinary magic barrier is blocking our ability from reaching him."

"Okay." Lucy had a determined look on her face. "Let's do this!"

"Yeah!" All of the spirits cheered.

A few days later...

"Ungh!" Levy collapsed onto a large stack of books. "We've been searching for day about Pegasus, and we haven't even gotten one lead yet! My eyes are on fire!!!!!!"
"I know," I replied softly. "And I'm sorry that we all you into this. You don't have to do this you know?"
"We know..." Sighed Lucy. "But as much as my eyes hurt, it hurts me even more to know that there's a fading spirit out there...." Just then, Natsu walked in.
"Yo Lucy! Hi Levy!"Lucy blinked.
"Natsu, what are you doing here?"
"Why..." He scratched his head. "Well you've been in the guild library for five days, and you've only come out to eat and drink. Besides, me and Happy are running out of chow at your house 'cuz you're not coming back!"
"Mm." For once, Lucy ignored the fact that Natsu and Happy were in her house. "Anyways Natsu, it's really nice of you to come and see how we're doing, but you really shouldn't be in here. The last time you were in the library, you nearly burned down our oldest section! And didn't Master Makarov put a ban on you to come in here?"
"Don't worry! The old man will understand that I'm just coming in to check on my guildmates!" He grew serious. "But seriously, what are you guys working on?"
Levy hesitated. "Natsu keep this a secret, ok?" He nodded. "Alright. We're looking for a missing Zodiac Spirit. We've been combing the Library for hours, but we can't find anything. Gemini knows that the Spirit is stuck behind a powerful magical barrier, yet we can't find any trace of him."
"Ha ha..." Natsu laughed. "I'm no good at mysteries. But Igneel told me to always look closely, since the answer could be right under your noses!" Grinning, he continued. "The next thing you know, he's in Horologium!"
"Yeah, ha ha, Natsu." Lucy grumbled. Then, her face lit up. "Natsu you're a genius!! You've just solved the case!"
"What?" Everyone looked at her, including me.
"Look. We know that Pegasus hasn't left the Spirit World, yet Gemini still can't find him. There's only a few places like that in Fiore, but the most logical place in the Spirit World is inside Horologium!"
"That's right!" Trust Levy to catch on first. "Horologium is one of the strongest barriers in the world, both physically, and magically. That would explain why Gemini can't sense anything!"
"Right. And now all we have to do is summon Horologium."

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