Special Event End: Loke's POV

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The roar of the crowd was even louder than my voice. Literally everyone in Magnolia came to see the large convention of spirits. 

"Yeah! GOOO Libra!" A kid yelled, waving a golden key in the air. He'll probably make a great Celestial Wizard someday.

"Come on everyone! Cheer louder!" Master Makarov shouts frantically. "Let's show these spirits what Magnolia has to offer!" If he means the ability to temporarily deafen us, then I am in full agreement. Fire exploded. The lamps flashed and fizzed from the pressure of all the magic power. Finally, they died out.

"Oops." Natsu said. "Maybe that Secret Technique was a little too much.

"Ah! All the lights are gone! Now I can't see a thing!" That's Aries' voice. I light up my hand. 

"Don't worry." I smiled. "Whenever the darkness surrounds you, my light will always be there to guide you out!"


Hey guys! I know, I know! This was a pretty short chapter. But there's a good reason for it. I'll be posting the part after this really soon to make up for all the lost time, so please don't be mad at me. See you next chapter for the start of the next Arc!

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