Special event: Aries POV part 2

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Aries/road to Zodiac Circle
Like any other day, I was walking to the Zodiac Circle to wait for work. But today was the day before Valentines Day. A rumour had spread around us girls that the Spirit King had ordered the boys to ask someone out. And that rumour was proven true when Sagittarius ran up to Libra to ask her out on a date. So now, all of us are waiting for some other guy to run up to us.
"So," I said to Virgo, who was walking beside me. "According to your calculations, everybody will get asked out, right?"
"Yes." She replied. "There are three boys left, and only 2 Zodiac girls left, so we are guaranteed to get a guy."
"Yeah," I said quietly. "I believe in your judgement, but what if they chose to ask a silver spirit out?"
"But still." Virgo retorted. "The only girl there is Lyra. I mean, they can't ask Plue out, can they?
"Good point." I laughed. At that moment, we heard two shouts.
"Hey!! Virgo! Aries!" It was Leo and Capricorn. Leo ran up to me and adjusted his sunglasses.
"Umm..." He started. "Could you come over here please?" He motioned to a small alley in between two buildings.
I followed him, a growing hope in my heart. Once we arrived, Leo shuffled awkwardly.
"Could you...could you go out with me please?" I stared at him. Silence for...1...2...3...
"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Yes, I will go out with you Leo!"
He grinned in relief. "G-g-great!" He stuttered. "T-tomorrow at 7 then. I'll meet you at the Zodiac Circle!"
"Ok!" I smiled. Was he... blushing? "And don't be so nervous!" I called after him as he ran off.
I laughed triumphantly as I skipped off with Virgo, who looked just as happy as I was.
One day later, 6:45...
"Ugh!" I fretted again. I was already on the road to the Zodiac Circle. I had put on a light pink dress for the occasion the same colour as my wool.
"Stop worrying." Libra sighed. "You look great." She had changed into a magnificent golden dress that reflected the colour of her scales.
Before, we had agreed to walk to the appointed place together with each other, so now, we were waiting for Virgo. Another thing was that everybody was supposed to go to the Circle for...something. Virgo suddenly appeared. She wore a beautiful black dress that had lots of silver stars and moons on it.
"Guys..." She started. "The reason why we all have to go to the Circle, is because our dates are to be held in Magnolia."
"What?!" We shouted while walking.
"Yeah." Virgo smiled. "All the spirits are supposed to pass through Magnolia's north end, so we end up at South Gate Park."
"Then that means-" Libra concluded.
"We're going to have to pass by Fairy Tail!" I finished.
Once we had arrived at the slope down to the Zodiac Circle, we stood there with our mouths gaping. Every single Zodiac Spirit was there. Even Caelum, Plue, and Horologium were there!
"Hi!" The two Gemini flew over to us. "Welcome to your dates!" Gemi squeaked.
"Yeah!" Mini squealed in excitement.
Lyra fluttered over to us, wearing a beautiful white dress with angel wings on the back. A simple brown belt with a golden harp symbol gently went around her waist. "Hello!" She said.
"Hi Lyra!" Libra smiled. "Who asked you out?" Lyra turned her face away from us, blushing.
"Taurus did."
We shrieked in unison.
"Yeah well..." Lyra floated off to Dreamland. "I was the only girl left."
We left her there, and then we began looking for three boys.
"I genuinely hope that Sagittarius wore something besides his horse costume." Libra muttered.
"I don't have to worry." I smiled. "Leo always wears a suit." Just then, we stumbled upon three blushing boys.
"H-h-h-hello..." They all stuttered.
"Hai..." We all replied. We all had different reactions. Libra was blushing, I mean, Sagittarius actually took off his horse costume. Virgo couldn't look Capricorn in the eye. As for me and Loke, we just stared. I dunno why. He still was in his suit. I was still Aries. Maybe it was the romance in the air. Before he could say anything though, the Spirit King just floated up and started yelling.
"Okee dokee, down to buisness! So as most of you know, we are going through Magnolia on this date." A cheer rose up.
"One pair at a time, we will use the Sol gate in order to go to Fiore."
Libra raised her hand. "Umm, sir?"
"Yes Libra?" The King said.
"What is the Sol gate?"
The King rubbed his moustache. "Well, in order to be ready for more jobs tomorrow, you are not going to use your own magic power to travel to Magnolia. The Sol gate is like the Eclipse gate, except reversed. The Eclipse can transport objects that have actually existed before on this dimension, only in a different time. The Sol gate can only transport objects that are in the current time, but instead, in a different dimension."
"Okay." Libra seemed quite impressed. Loke cracked his knuckles.
"Let's do this."

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