Aries the White Lamb♈️

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As Leo and I walked to the Zodiac Circle, we talked. About Spirits we liked, spirits we didn't like...sorry! Lucy, where Cancer might be at this moment, and most of all, the spirits we thought would look cute with each other...sorry! Well, Scorpio and Aquarius, obviously, but others, like Lyra and Horologium, or Virgo and Cancer.
"Or..." I said to Leo. "You and Libra!"
"WHAT?!?!" He leapt a mile back. "ME AND LIBRA?!?!?"
"SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!!!" I shouted as loud as my soft voice would allow.
Leo regained his usual business-like attitude and fixed his sunglasses.
"It's alright Aries, but how do you see me and Libra walking down a country lane?"
"I know." Aquarius popped up between us. "I don't think Loke here would be a good match with Libra."
"So," Leo said, his cheeks scarlet. "Who do you think would go well with me?"
Aquarius grinned. "Why, Aries here would be an OTC if paired with you!"
"Yeah!" The two Gemini chorused from somewhere on the next street.
"It was Mini's idea!" Gemi squeaked back.
"What, so you hate me?" I whispered.
Leo turned to me, his whole face red. "I, uh, no, I don't hate you, Aries."
Leo jumped across the void and into the next street. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN GEMI!!!!!!!!!!"
"I'M RUNNING MINI!!!!!!!!!" They both said in unison:
"REGULUS IMPACT!!!!!!!!" A huge explosion of light followed, sending the two blue twins flying over the void and onto our street.
"Why..." Gemi cried softly. "Yeah..." Mini agreed weakly.
Leo came back, straightening his tie.
"You are so cruel, Leo-sama..." I smiled.
He grinned. Just then, an argument down the road caught our attention.
"Why are always talking about perverted things, Taurus!?" Capricorn shouted at Taurus.
"I'm not perverted, I just like boooooooobs." He replied dreamily.
"Then stop liking them!" "Make me!" "Oh I will!" "Then do it!"
Capricorn put himself in a fighting stance, while Taurus drew his axe.
"That's enough!" Leo ran and stopped in between to two. "Stop-"
Since Leo is quite a bit shorter than Capricorn and Taurus, they didn't see him, and they thought that Leo was farther from the battle. It was only after a flurry of kicks and punches, and a not a few axe swings, that they realized that they were hitting Leo.
"Loke-sama!" Capricorn nearly screamed at him.
"Leo?" I ran over to him.
The zodiac king collapsed onto the ground, bloodied.
He pushed himself onto his hands. "You've-" He coughed hard, bringing up yet more blood. "You've stopped fighting yet?" Then, Leo's arms gave away, and he fell into unconsciousness.
"Loke!" I screamed.
Capricorn looked frantic.
"We've got to get him to the Zodiac Circle! His injuries won't be as bad if he's there!"
"But how?" Gemi, who had creeped up, asked.
"I got this." Aquarius summoned a large orb of water, and it enveloped Leo in it. "There, he won't feel a thing."
"Let's moooove." Taurus mooed.
Aquarius gently moved Leo along the path.
We were almost there when Capricorn had a thought that we failed to think of.
"Um, Aquarius, can he breath in there?" Leo sat up halfway and coughed, a mixture of air and blood.
"Ahh!! I didn't think of that!" Mini gasped.
Gemi gulped. In desperation, Aquarius dropped the water orb. As soon as he was free, Leo opened his mouth and gasped for air.
"Whoop de dang moo." Taurus muttered.
"Sorry, dude." The Gemini chorused.
But Leo fell into unconsciousness again.
"So." Capricorn said. "What now?"
"I have an idea." I said. I conjured a bed of fluffy wool, and I gently moved him.
"There." I sighed, laying him on the star in the middle.
Instantly, his face relaxed, and the wool disappeared.
"Now what?" Aquarius asked.
"Now," Capricorn muttered. "We wait. And hope."
"Hope for what?" I asked.
"That he's gonna be okay."

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