Part 3-Virgo the Maiden

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Soooooo sorry guys! I've been kinda busy so I didn't get much time to write on Wattpad... But here's the new part, so I hope you guys enjoy it!!

Virgo's POV

While Libra was busy examining every single inch of the Sol gate, I was chatting with Capricorn. It was awkward.

"Um, so..." He started. "Nice dress."

"Thanks..." I trailed off. The Sol gate was starting up. Unlike the Eclipse gate, the frame was the colour of Libra's scales, and the light it gave off wasn't all... eerie. It was actually quite comforting. Pair by pair, the couples began to disappear into the gate. I was busy watching Aries and Leo. I'm not much of a shipper, but those two would look cute together. Then, it was our turn. 

"So, let's go!" Capricorn held out his hoof, and I took it. Then, we jumped into the golden depths of the Sol Gate. The insides of the portal were like a sunset, except for the fact that it was all swirly. A tiny black dot appeared, then it grew bigger, about to swallow the insides whole. Finally, we fell into the hole. But the hole was actually a invisible rift of ethernano in the sky. As we descended gently from the clouds, I was reminded chillingly of how the Spirit King had cast Leo out of the Celestial Spirit World. I tried not to think about it. The soft touch of grass wavered under our feet/paws/hooves/whatever, and just on the horizon, we could see the lights of Magnolia. 

"Alrighty!" Leo shouted. Always the boss, as usual. "Lets get this date started! We're just outside of Magnolia's North gate, so here we go! Couples, line up!" Taurus and Lyra went first, then Loke and Aries, and then me and Capricorn. And in the back was Sagittarius and Libra. The march began awkwardly, starting from a shuffle, changing to a loping speed, and then we were off! The North Gate swung open, revealing a street filled with Celestial spirits cheering.

"Huh?!" Capricorn exclaimed. "All the other spirits are here?!"

"YEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!" Cheering far louder than the others were... Scorpio and Aquarius!

"What, by the honor of Mavis, are you two doing there?" Loke still used Fairy Tail expressions sometimes, which Capricorn teased him to no end about. 

"The Celestial Spirit King said that since we were always together, we didn't have to participate in the the parade!" Aquarius grinned.  "Enjoy it!"

"Uhhhhhhnnnnnn....." Everyone else let out a cry like a moan of pain. Wait. A moan of pain during diarrhea!  

"C'mon... it isn't that bad is it?" Natsu was leaning against a lamp post. "It's a date, how bad could it be?"

"Why don't you kiss Lucy, how bad could it be?" I retorted. Natsu paled. Just then, Lucy appeared. 

"I heard my name. Is someone talking about me here?"

Natsu turned as pink as his hair. "N-n-nothing Lucy...!"

"Hi Lucy!" The rest of the spirits chorused. 

"Is it time for my punishment yet princess?" I inquired automatically. Capricorn gave me an odd look.

"No Virgo. Hey Loke. Glad to see you're better from-"

"SSSHHHHH!!!" We all hissed at her. "THE KING IS WATCHING!!!"

"Right. Sorry Capricorn and Taurus! Anyways, we're gonna be passing Fairy Tail really soon, and everyone's outside waiting. Do the Guild proud guys!"

"AYE!" We all shouted. 

The Celestial Spirit WorldOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara