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Sakura:"natsume do you mind staying here for a few days?..."
Natsume:" eh?...I..."
Sakura:" I'm sorry I am being unreasonable again...I'm scared...I'm shivering all over...I'm don't really want to accept that my father is dead..."(sobs)
Natsume hugs her:" I can stay with you as long as you like"(grins)
Sakura:"stay with me forever..."(sobs)
Natsume (blush):" sakura I heard you already have a fiance...Is that guy your fiance?"
Sakura:" the engagement is nullified...since my father is no longer in this world...he was the one who arranged for me to marry prince ruka...Ruka is indeed kind but I just can't return his feelings for me..."(saddens)
Natsume:" why is that so?..."
Sakura:" I'm not sure heart just doesn't beat being around him...though it's different when I'm with you...I feel as though we were meant to meet...I feel comfortable telling you everything..."(grins)
Natsume:" it's the same for me..."(grins)
Sakura kisses natsume on the lips and blushes....Natsume pulled her close to him and kissed her...
Sakura(blush):" natsume...I love you.."(grins)
Natsume (blush):" I love you too..."(grins)
In the morning...
Ruka who realized that the two slept together was furious and kicked natsume off the bed...
Ruka:" how dare you slip into sakura's bed..."(pissed)
Natsume:"let's settle this somewhere else....don't wake her up...she barely slept..."(saddens)
Ruka points his blade at Natsume's neck and slices his neck a little:" I will kill you here in front of her so just stay put..."(grins)
Sakura:" what do you think you are doing?! Ruka! Pull back your sword!"(serious look)
Ruka(shocked):" sakura..."(saddens)
Sakura:" natsume...blood...hurry you have to treat it..."(worried)
Natsume:" sakura...go back to"
Sakura:" wah...Natsume!"(pouts)
Natsume:" I will be fine..."(grins)
Sakura:" if you lay a hand on him, even if you are my friend...I will not let you off..."(pissed)
Ruka rushes off angrily...
Natsume chases him:"sakura and I love each other...I'm sorry..."
Ruka points his sword at him:" what do you know about us...we have been together for 10 years and yet she has never had feelings for me...and yet you who she just met...stole her heart..."(pissed)
Natsume:" I felt alone for 10 years in that kingdom...there was only me inhabiting the palace...Sakura entered despite my warnings...she was not afraid of me...she could easily touch me...she removed the curse on I really can't stop loving her...her bravery...her guts...and her sense of justice..."(grins)
Ruka:" do whatever you want...I haven't acknowledged you..."(walks away)

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