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Sakura:" natsume...Ryo...he was just like you...he lived alone for many years...until I found him...he sobbed when he first saw me and then he smiled...he hugged me and said that I was going to be his first friend"(grins)
Sakura:" at that time, It was also when I lost my mother...I cried because she died without anyone by her side...I hated myself for not being by her side when she needed me ..."(teary)
Sakura:" she wrote a letter to me...before she took her last breath...she told me that I was her daughter no matter what others said..."(sobs)
Natsume comforts her:" she must have really loved you...I don't even remember what my parents look like anymore....I'm such a bad child aren't I ?"(saddens)
Sakura hugs natsume:" from now on, we will be facing many challenges but if it's with you natsume then I'll definitely overcome them..."(grins as she held his hand)
Natsume (blush):" yea...it's the same for me as well..."(grins as they looked at the stars)
Ryo:" so that's how it is..."(saddens)
Sakura wakes up to find herself in Ryo's palace and in his room:" why am I here...'"(shocked)
Natsume who was tied up beside her woke up as well:" what's going on...didn't we return...why are we here"(shocked)
Ryo:" oh you're awake already?"(caress sakura's hair)
Sakura:" Ryo what's the meaning of this?!"(pissed)
Ryo:"well I just wanted to make you mine...I saw you first! I won't let him take you away!"(pissed)
Sakura (shocked ):" stop playing around...Natsume let me help you"(untied the rope as fast as she could)
Ryo pulled her away and moved closer to her:" tie them both up..."(grins as he kissed sakura's neck)
Sakura:" ugh..."(blush)
Natsume:" sakura! You bastard!"(rage)
Natsume loses control of his powers :" dark nebula! I'll just kill you since you're so persistent"(pissed)
Sakura:" natsume?!"(shocked)
Ryo was hurt as he was blown backwards by Natsume's dark nebula...
Natsume huddled in one corner:" I'm sorry I didn't want to...I just didn't want anyone to touch you...sakura"(shivers)
Sakura hugs him:" it's alright now...Natsume don't he afraid...you saved me...but...don't ever let your powers take control of you anymore...I'm afraid that you may get hurt..."(saddens)
Sakura walk towards ryo:" Ryo...are you alright?"(saddens)
Ryo:" sakura chan...my sakura...mine only..."(sobs)
Sakura hugs him:" Ryo...don't do this...you know how hard it is for me to shove you away and yet you take advantage of it..."(saddens)
Ryo:" I wouldn't care about a castle, a position or anything...all I ever wanted was you...yet...why can't you be mine..."(sobs)
Natsume : " sakura doesn't belong to anyone! I never once gotten love from my parents and sometimes I really wanted to make sakura mine but all of this...if the person I love is not going to be happy about it, I won't force her no matter what..."(grins)
Ryo (shocked):" I've lost..."
Sakura:" Ryo....let's live together...all of us..."(grins)
Ryo (shocked):" mm!"(grins)
Sakura:"....why does my chest feel so heavy..."(pulls up her blanket to see Ryo and natsume lying on her chest)
Ryo:" natsume! Did I allow you to lie on her chest?!"
Natsume:" hey! Sakura is not yours!"
Sakura:" enough!"(punch the two )

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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