Sumire pays a visit

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Okay I'm using Narumi for now...treat him like he is of the same age as sakura and the rest...Btw Sumire is permy in gakuen alice...^^

Prince Narumi:" it is an honor to be called upon to the light may I be of service my princess?..."(grins)
Natsume's POV :
I'm going to kill this guy!....this brat...I'm going to show him his place later...argh! I want to tear out his intestines!
End of POV
Sakura:"did my sister not come with you?"(saddens)
Narumi:" she has learnt about the news of the king's death so she is a little emotionally unstable...she is waiting for you at the king's chamber..."(saddens)
Sakura walks to the king's chamber:"'s been a long time I guess...since I last saw have you been?..."(saddens)
Sumire:"I could endure anything but this...I can't tolerate that your the cause over father's death..."(sobs)
Sakura:" I'm sorry...If only I was more matured...I wouldn't have caused him to worry..."
Sumire slaps sakura:" how dare you apologize?! In the past, father always doted you even when your not his daughter!"(shocked to learn that she spilled the beans accidentally, she covered her mouth)
Sakura:" not his daughter?..."(chuckles)
Sumire walks away despite knowing how hurt sakura was feeling right now...
Sakura (sobs):" why did you take me in then?...who are my parents...where did I come from..."(sobs)
Natsume looks from afar:" at times like this...I really want to hug her but yet I felt that it's better if she was alone..."(saddens)

A little info on Sumire :
Sumire is the late King's daughter and she has been living in the elemental kingdom for 5 years since she was engaged with Narumi, the prince of the elemental kingdom who has the power to control the air and metal...he discovered his ability at the age of 8.
End of Intro
Sakura hides in her room:"who am I...was I unwanted?..."(sobs)
Sumire:" I blurted everything out...I told her that she was not my sister...not my father's real daughter..."(sobs)
Narumi:"it's alright...she should be told of this at least..."(grins as he hugged sumire)
Ruka:" sakura?..."(knocks on the door)
Sakura:" yes?"(wipes off her tears)
Ruka:" are you alright? don't sound well...aren't you glad that she's here?..."
Sakura:" I'm not my father's child...I'm not! Who am I?!I'm scared...Natsume! Where are me...I'm scared...I don't want to know the truth...I don't want to know!"(covers her ears as she heard many familiar voices)
Natsume dashes to her side:" it's alright are still you"(grins)
Sakura hugs him feeling relieved...she cried...

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