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Sakura's POV:
I don't want to remember what Sumire said yesterday...I hope that she was just joking and yet I don't want to ask her about it...I don't want to know the truth...I can't see her...
End of POV
Natsume hugs sakura:" what's wrong?'ve cried many times already...your eyes are swollen...Sakura why don't you rest a little more..."(grins)
Sakura:" natsume don't go! Don't leave me alone!"(sobs)
Natsume (shocked):" sakura it's alright I'm here...don't cry..."(worried)
Sakura hugs him till she slept...she dreamt about her past as she recovered lost memories...
When she woke up...she sobbed...
Sakura:" my twin brother...Kakashi..."(tears rolled down her cheeks)
Sakura leaves the palace secretly as she searches for her twin brother who was separated from her...
Natsume searched high and low for her with tears and sweat...he couldn't find her!
Ruka aid in the search but to no avail...
Sakura had gone into a place no one would dare enter...the palace of the gods...
Sakura:" mother... father...I remember..I came out from this gate and never went back...they searched for me but I hid and fell...I lost my memories and shunned away from them ...."(kneels)
Kakashi who noticed someone was at the gate shouted:" who are you?! Leave immediately and your life will be spared!"
Sakura (shocked):" Kakashi?! Kakashi! Kakashi nii chan!"(sobs)
Kakashi (shocked):" sakura nee..."(dashes to see who was at the gate)
Kakashi:" sakura nee!"(burst into tears)
Sakura:" Kakashi!"(sobs)
Kakashi hugs sakura as he opened the gate:" nee you remember everything now?..."(sobs)
Sakura kneels down:" I'm sorry I didn't find you...I didn't know anything...I left you alone..."(sobs)
Kakashi:"nee chan I knew you were alive...I knew you'd come back...I could feel it...I could sense your presence...perhaps because we're twins..."(grins as he hugs her)
Yuka (sakura's mother):" Kakashi what's wrong?...why did you open the gate?!"(shocked)
Sakura:" okasan!"(sobs)
Yuka dashes towards sakura in shock:" my I dreaming?...are you really here?..."(sobs)
Sakura:" mother...I'm sorry for not listening to you and for leaving the gate...I missed you all"(sobs)
Villagers:" look! It's the missing princess! She's back!"(amazed)
Sakura(grins as she held on to both Yuka and Kakashi hand):" I'm back!"(wipes off her tears)
Yuka:" so you lived in the light kingdom I see..."(relieved)

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