When rivals of love meet

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Sakura:" natsume!"(sobs)
Natsume:" sakura?!...you're back!"(grins as he jumped down from her room to see her)
Sakura hugs him:" I found my birth parents...I was happy...I wasn't abandoned..."(grins)
Natsume:"Sakura...actually ruka has been acting weirdly since the day you left...he seem as though he is very troubled..."(worried)
Sakura:" The demon kingdom wants to have a war with us if we do not surrender to them...they're strong...all of them...only the kingdom of God's can assure our survival..."(saddens)
Natsume watches her closely as a sharp arrow suddenly slits the edge of his arm as he was not paying attention:" kuh..."(in pain)
Sakura:" natsume?!"(sobs)
Natsume:" I'm fine..."(pulls out the arrow)
There was a letter tied to the arrow...it was from the prince of the demon kingdom whose name was " Ryo"
Sakura:"ruka...he sent this over..."
Ruka:"...that bastard!...he dares to threaten us with hostages..."(pissed)
Sakura:" Hotaru...I can't lose her...I'm going by myself...I want to handle this personally..."
Ryo:"sakura...you're finally here..."(grins)
Hotaru:" hime!"(gagged)
Sakura:"let my people go!"(pissed)
Natsume who went with her was waiting for a chance to ambush as he observed their discussion...
Ryo:" don't be mad sakura...you know I can't bear to see your angry look...you look cuter when you smile"(smirk)
Sakura:" what do you want?!"
Ryo:" in exchange for the other countries safety, you'll be the sacrifice...you'll stay with me in this palace for eternity..."(saddens)
Sakura:" I have someone I like..."
Ryo (chuckles):" whoever it is...I'll kill him"
Sakura:" you're insane!"
Ryo:" I'll never let you go...you know how much I loved you and yet you left my side..."(saddens)
Natsume:" what happened between them..."(pissed )
Ryo suddenly stands up and pointed to where natsume was as he fired the dark curse...
Ryo:"come out..."(pissed)
Natsume stands beside sakura:" tch.. I'm sorry...I couldn't find a way to attack him and even got discovered"(saddens)
Sakura:" it's alright natsume...you did your best..."(grins)
Ryo (pissed):"is he the one...you like?!"
Sakura (stern look):" yes...I love him..."
Natsume (blush):" sakura..."
Ryo:" dark prison!"(he aims at natsume)
Natsume:" cancel!"
Ryo:" my power was cancelled...what are you?!"(rage)
Natsume:" dark snow!"(serious)
Ryo:" barrier!"(pissed)
Natsume attacks Ryo as sakura halts the fight
Sakura:" light barrier!"(pissed)
Natsume and Ryo(shocked):" kuh!"
Sakura:" I will not let you harm him!"(pissed)
Ryo heads closer towards sakura:" you've never shown me such an expression...."(saddens)
Natsume:" stay away from her!"(pissed)
Sakura:"natsume...it's alright..."(grins)
Ryo caress sakura's face:" I love you..."(kisses her on the lips)
Sakura:" let's go natsume..."(holds on to natsume)
Ryo (saddens):"sakura..."
Sakura (blush):"he just does whatever he wants..."
Natsume pouts as he saw her blush...he took the initiative to kiss her :"purify..."(pouts)

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