Telling Luke

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Off to the side is Eli

When we woke up all of us sat cross legged on my bed talking. 

"If the people we thought was our father isn't really then how do we know that our mothers are really ours." Asked Tori in a worried voice.

"Yeah" Eli said "this can't possibly turn out good for all of us."

"What can't" Luke asked as he entered the room.

'Well uhhh" Eli stammered as Luke tapped his foot.

I thrust a letter into his face and said "This can't end well it's a letter from our father go on read it."

"Wait you guys are sisters"  he asked ignoring the letter.

"Kinda we are half sisters and your our half brother now read the letter out loud please none of us have read it." Said Jordi.

Luke's mouth fell open and we all crowded around him to read it.

Dear Daughters and Son,

        I suppose you all have found out that you are related and that I am your father. If your are all at least eighteen then it is the perfect time if not then I apologize.  I instructed the Council to tell all of you your relation when the one with a choice brought all of you together.  Now that you are together I can tell you what you must know.

Tori your mother is who you grew up with a lovely woman named  Anna Welkan had she not met her mate I would have stayed with her and raised you. Anyways You have a strong combination of Alpha and Beta blood in you.  As my daughter you will posses a special power but as the youngest you will have a better then your brother and sisters.

Eli Your mother is an omega named Rachael Helga that disguised her self with the help of a witch.  The witch gave your mother no side effects but gave them to you instead.  That backfired on her though because of my powers and now the power you receive Will be extremely strong and powerful.   I took you from your mother at birth and gave you to an Alpha couple because I knew she was still working with that witch.

Jordi You grew up with your mother Fanny Smith are the daughter of a elf. I know you believed her to be human but she is not and you probably inherited some of her powers. 

Nina You are the Wolf With a Choice you will have a second choice.  What for I can't tell  but you will know.  Your mother Was Theresa and a very powerful Luna.  She had a special power to it was the ability to never miss a target.  You also have a power similar to this plus one of my powers will arrive on your twenty first birthday.  When you receive these powers you will go on a great hunt that will lead you to the life your Great Luna goddess has chosen.

Luke Your mother is not who you grew up with seeing how you were constantly being passed between different family members was a young woman who came to the pack telling everyone she was a werewolf.  When she was pregnant with you she told me she was really a shifter that could turn into any animal she wanted.   Thanks to that you will always have a connection with animals it's strength is unknown.  You will be expected to take over my pack after your twenty second birthday and take care of your sisters.


                                                                           Your father Jasper Brookes Alpha of the Red-bat pack

Luke set down the letter and we all stared at him Luke was an Alpha!

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