Part 12. Is Jordan Forgiving Demi

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Jordan: "I just wanted to say I'm not upset with you anymore. I did some thinking and you guys were drunk and you didn't really know what you were doing. Besides I've decided to give Taylor another go and well it looks as if Joe is talking to you so that's good right."

Demi: "Nothing is happening there, I'm happy for you and just so you know I'm only helping Joe out ok."

Jordan: "Ok, with?"

Demi: "His sister Michelle is in jail and his mum asked for my help."

Jordan: "Oh ok."

Jordan and Demi hugged and walked back in and over to their table. Demi didn't sit next to Joe and he noticed and got up and grabbed her arm.

Joe: "Let's talk Dems." (Pulls her out with him)

Demi: "I have nothing to say to you."

Joe: "Well I have a lot to say to you."

Once they were outside Joe let her arm go.

Demi: "So what's up?"

Joe: "Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?"

Demi: "I'm not; look it's hard for me Ok."

Joe: "Why is it hard?"

Demi: "Oh come on Joe; we slept together last night and you expect me to act like it was just sex and nothing else."

Joe: "So it meant something to you?"

Demi: "Well yea of course it did."

Joe: "Oh...look I'm sorry but I can't forgive you just yet."

Demi: "I understand, just next time ask someone else for your pity sex."

Joe: "You think I only wanted to sleep with you because I wanted your pity."

Demi: "Of course not; look Joe I don't want to do this now."

Joe: Ok sure, at lease act like my friend instead of being a cold hearted bitch towards me."

Demi: Fine." (Angry)

Demi walked away upset and angry; that afternoon Demi was in the living room doing her homework when Joe came in and sat next to her.

Joe: "Dems we need to talk."

Demi: "Again; what is it this time?" (Annoyed)

Joe: "Did you see my mum this morning?"

Demi: "No like I said this morning I saw my friend Theo; he's a lawyer and I asked him to help with Michelle and he said he would help."

Joe: "But doesn't that cost money Demi?"

Demi: "It does; but his friend of the family so I thought it would help out your mum."

Joe: "But we don't need your pity Demi." (Angry)

Demi: "Oh so that's what it is then; I just thought you would be grateful. So I asked Theo I was only helping next time I won't bother."

Joe: "Well I don't need it."

Demi: "Fine; you know what I'm glad I'm leaving in 2 days."

Joe: "What." (Shocked)

Demi: "That's right I'm going to New York to boarding school."

Joe: "Why?"

Demi: "Why do you think?"

Demi got up and walked out and ran up to her room. Later that night Jordan had invited some friends over to watch dvds; since it was Friday. Demi didn't know until Selena came knocking on her door.

Selena: "Hey Dems, what are you doing?"

Demi: "Nothing; what are you doing here."

Selena: "Well Jordan invited us over to watch dvds since it's Friday."

Demi: "Right and Alex is cool with this."

Selena: "Well he and Nessa ran off to his room."

Demi: "Ok."

Demi followed Selena out and down to the living room where everyone else was.

Vanessa: "So what are we watching peoples."

Miley: "What about Scream 4."

Alex: "We have all 4 movies, we could watch them all and since it's Friday we can have a sleepover like last weekend."

Demi: "And mum is going to be cool with this Alex."

Alex: "Of course Dems."

Demi: "Ok then."

Taylor: "Awesome let's begin."

Selena: "We need popcorn."

Nick: "And drinks."

Liam: "Maybe dinner might be a better choice first."

Jordan: "Yea pizza guys."

Everyone went home to grab their stuff to stay the night again. Alex ordered Pizza for dinner and Demi made popcorn with Joe's help getting snacks ready to watch a movie. Once everyone returned Pizza was there with everything else. Everyone sat down and Demi had to sit next to Joe to eat her Pizza.

Vanessa: "So what's up with you two?' (Looking at Demi and Joe)

Demi: "Nothing."

Joe: "Nada."

Vanessa: "You know Joe; I wouldn't have thought you were Spanish."

Joe: "Well I am."

Vanessa: "Cool anyway so you guys have been acting really weird lately."


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