Part 3: Family Means More Then Money

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Joe walked off to the front door, Demi got out of the car and followed Michelle to the front door, where Joe was waiting for them. Michelle unlocked the front door, it was dark and quiet which meant their mother was still working until late.

Michelle: “Well come in Demi.”

Demi: “Thank you.”

Demi walked in and looked around the room.

Michelle: “Well make yourself at home.”

Demi: “Thanks.”

Joe walked off to his room and slammed that door too, Michelle showed Demi around the house there was a lounge room, kitchen, three bedrooms and the bathroom and toilet.

Demi: “You have a nice home.”

Michelle: “Thanks Dems; so anyway our mum is working until late so what do you want to do.”

Demi: “Well have you eaten dinner yet?”

Michelle: “No, but we could cook something or order.”

Demi: “I could make homemade pizzas if you like.”

Michelle: “Sure.”

Michelle showed Demi around the kitchen and she started cooking, while Michelle was cleaning the place up. After about half an hour Joe came out of his room and walked into the kitchen to see Demi sitting at the breakfast bar.

Joe: “Mayte; what is for dinner?”

Michelle: “Why don’t you ask Demi, she’s the one that is cooking for us?”

Joe: “Oh ok then; Demi what is for dinner?”

Demi: “Homemade pizza.”

Joe: “Cool; so are you going to tell anyone at school about this.”

Demi: “What about making homemade pizzas.”

Joe: “No I mean about me not being rich.”

Demi: “Oh well are you going to be nice to me.”

Joe: “Sure I guess.”

Demi: “Well then your secret is safe with me.”

Joe: “Thank you Dems.” (Smiles at her)

After dinner was ready they all sat down to eat just as their mother walked in the front door.

Natalie: “Hey guys; I’m home.”

Michelle: “Hey mama.” (Gets up and hugs her)

Joe: “Hey Mama.”

Natalie: “Hi; who’s your friend?”

Joe: “Oh this is Demi.”

Natalie: “Oh hello; how do you know my son?”

Demi: “School.”

Natalie: “Ok, but isn’t it late to be hanging out here?”

Michelle: “It is, but she cooked dinner for us.”

Natalie: “Why; if she’s the guest here.”

Michelle: “She offered to cook dinner Mama.”

Natalie: “Oh so how are you getting home?”

Michelle: “I’m gonna drive her home later after dinner.”

Natalie: “Oh ok.”

After dinner Natalie went off to bed and Michelle was getting ready to drive Demi home. She said goodbye to Joe and he told her he would see her at school. Michelle drove Demi home and Demi walked into her house which was a lot bigger then Joe’s was.

Eva: “Demi is that you?”

Demi: “Yea Mum it’s me.”

Eva: “Your late darling.”

Demi: “Sorry, but I was out with some friends for dinner.”

Eva: “Oh ok.”

Eva walked off to go to bed and Demi walked up to her room and was about to go in when Alex called her to his room.

Demi: “What?”

Alex: “Did you have fun?”

Demi: “Yea I did actually.”

Alex: “I heard you went out with friends.”

Demi: “I did; I went to Joe’s for dinner.”

Alex: “Yea right Demi.” (Laughing)

Demi: “I’m serious Alex; after you left Michelle invited me over and of course Joe wasn’t happy about it.”

Alex: “Wow for as long as I’ve known him; he never lets his friends over to hang out.”

Demi: “Well I understand now.”

Alex: “Really, why?”

Demi: “I can’t tell you Alex; I’m sorry.”

Alex: “I understand; I guess he will tell me when he is ready.”

Demi: “Yea so I’m gonna go to bed.”

Alex: “Ok and Dems don’t worry I will always be there for you.”

Demi: “Thanks Alex.”

Demi walked out to her room and got changed and went to bed. Weeks later Demi was always at Joe’s place even when Michelle had to work. They became good friends to the point where Joe was ok with liking her more each time. But Demi was still getting picked on by the poplars’ and Joe still didn’t help her when she needed it. Around the same time they were hanging out and getting to know each other. Selena was dating Taylor but also crushing on Nick, who was dating Miley. 

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