Part 10: Look What I Did

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The next few days Taylor kept following Demi to the tree and talking to her about what they did. One day Taylor kept talking to her until lunch time and Demi got up and was about to walk when Taylor stopped her.

Taylor: “So are we done talking about this.”

Demi: “Yes and never talk to me again about it.”

Taylor: “Fine, just let me know.”

Demi: “Yea whatever.”

Demi walked into the lunch room and sat down at a table not liking that fact that she found out she was pregnant to Taylor. She had to keep it a secret before anyone found out. Chelsea and her friends came over to start on her.

Chelsea: “Oh look…its invisible Demi.” (Laughs)

Ashley: “I know right what happened to your friends. Oh that’s right you don’t have any.” (Laughs too)

Alex saw what they were doing and got up and walked over to where she was sitting. The popular girls walked off when they saw Alex sit down next to her and noticed she was upset and pulled her into a hug.

Alex: “What’s wrong Dems?”

Demi: “It’s nothing Alex.”

Alex: “That’s bullshit Dems, Joe told me you’re been acting different like sad and stuff.”

Demi: “Yea well I did something about 2 months ago with Taylor and I don’t know how to tell Jordan when she comes.”

Alex: “Oh well are you going to tell her.”

Demi: “I’m thinking about it.”

Alex: “Oh why?”

Demi: “Look I didn’t tell Taylor this but I’m pregnant and I only found out yesterday and I don’t know what to do.” (Tears in her eyes)

Alex: “Who’s the father?”

Demi: “Taylor, we slept together at one of Cody’s parties.”

Alex: “Wow are you going to tell Mum.”

Demi: “I don’t know, but I’m scared as hell at what to do. I don’t know if Emma or Pixie know anything and I’m worried they will tell Jordan.”

Alex: “Right so you tell her before they do.”

Demi: “Yes and I know that she’s going to hate me.”

Alex: “Maybe Dems, but let’s not forget she and Taylor aren’t together anymore. We lost our father 3 months before you and Taylor slept together and you were having problems with Mum. She was going to send you to boarding school and having to end things between you and Joe.”

Demi: “True, look I need to be alone Ok.”

Alex: “Sure, but I maybe understanding about this but you are going to have to talk to Joe because he’s worried about you.”

Demi: “Oh ok, but why is he worried we’re not even together.”

Alex: “It’s because he cares Dems.”

Alex got up and walked over to the table where everyone else was sitting at for lunch.

Joe: “Is she Ok?”

Alex: “Yea just tired I think.”

Joe: “Ok.”

The next week came and Jordan was back and staying at Demi’s place just until her parent’s got things ready for the new house. Demi was now ignoring both Taylor and Joe every time they were in the same room as her. Joe also had problems of his own, like his mother’s boyfriend Tony was a drug dealer and was now living with them. One late night Natalie and Tony were fighting and he was drunk and started to hit Natalie across the face. Joe stepped in to protect his Mum and him from Tony. Tony started fighting with Joe on the ground and was kicking him in the side of the stomach. Natalie was yelling at him to stop, Tony didn’t listen and still had Joe on the ground and kept going with the kicking in the stomach, Joe was now bleeding and then Michelle walked in and punched Tony in the face and that knocked him out for a bit. Michelle went to check Joe out while Natalie was seeing if Tony was still alive. Michelle went and grabbed the phone and called Alex to help Joe, Alex got the call at midnight from Michelle he answered it half asleep.

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