Part 5: What We Feel...

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Demi got closer to Joe and hugged him then she pulled away and they were both looking into each other eyes and started to lean in. When their faces were really close Michelle walking in and smirked at how close they were.

Michelle: “¿Qué está pasando?” (What’s going on?)

Joe: “Nada.” (Nothing)

Michelle: “Sorry; I needed the bathroom.”

Joe: “Yep that’s fine.”

Joe and Demi walked out of the bathroom and went into Joe’s room and sat down on his bed.

Joe: “I’m sorry about before.”

Demi: “It’s Ok; Michelle needed the bathroom.”

Joe: “No I didn’t mean that; I meant before when we were at the party.”

Demi: “Oh; well I was pretty mean to you about the whole love thing.”

Joe: “It’s fine Dem, I understand.”

Demi: “Oh well I don’t think you get what I’m trying to say but can’t seem to get the right words out.”

Joe: “Ok; what are you trying to say?”

Demi decided instead of telling him, she moved closer to him and grabbed his face and kissed him softly on the lips. Joe was shocked by it that he kissed her back and pulled for closer to his body. So now she was in his lap; after a while he broke the kiss and looked at Demi.

Joe: “Ok; I’m not following here.”

Demi: “Well at the party you told me how you felt about me and I rejected you and I’m sorry that I wasn’t completely honest with you then but I’ve realized that I may be falling for you and I would really like to be with you as much as you do.”

Joe: “Oh so let me get this straight you want to be with me as my… what girlfriend.”

Demi: “I don’t know; I mean do you want me as your girlfriend.”

Joe: “Of course I do Dems.”

Demi: “Well then it’s done, I’m your girlfriend.”

After she said that Joe bought her into a kiss; that Demi opened her mouth so he could slide his tongue and felt her tongue against his. He loved the way she kissed his back deeply. After a while Joe was now laying on the bed with Demi on top of him, he started to kiss down her neck as Demi started to moan his name which ended up turning him on.

Demi: “Joe; we have to stop.”

Joe: “I know.” (Rolls off of her)

Demi: “I’m sorry; I don’t want to just get with you and then sleep with you straight afterwards.”

Joe: “It’s Ok; I understand baby.”

Demi: “You called me baby.”

Joe: “Yea I hope that’s Ok.”

Demi: “Yea it is; we should sleep.”

Joe: “Yea goodnight baby.”

Demi: “Night.”

Joe gave Demi some of Michelle’s clothes to sleep in; they got into bed together and went to sleep. The next morning Demi woke up with a big smile on her face because Joe had his arms wrapped around her. Demi moved to get up and have breakfast so she slowly moved Joe’s arms and he rolled over towards the window and Demi got up and went into the kitchen and found Michelle sitting there drinking coffee.

Demi: “Good morning.”

Michelle: “Morning Dems.”

Demi: “What is for breakfast?”

Michelle: “Well not a lot; my mama has to go shopping.”

Demi: “Oh ok; do you have all the stuff to make pancakes.”

Michelle: “Yea why?”

Demi: “I’ll make breakfast.”

Michelle: “Sure, the kitchen is all yours.”

Demi: “Thanks.”

Demi went and got the stuff out to make pancakes for herself, Joe and Michelle. Michelle was still sitting at the breakfast bar drinking her coffee and also watching Demi cook.

Michelle: “Dems when did you know how to cook so well?”

Demi: “Well it’s a normal thing for me; with my mum always out with her boyfriend and Alex out with friends. I just decided to cook for myself, but when my mum is home she gets Rosa to do it, our cook.”

Michelle: “Oh ok.”

Joe woke up to the side of his bed where Demi had been laying cold, he hoped she was still here and hadn’t left. He got up and walked out to the smell of pancakes being made. He saw Demi cooking at the stove with her back to him, Michelle was now cleaning the lounge room up so they had somewhere to sit later, and Joe walked over towards Demi. Demi could feel him behind her because her heart started to beat faster than it normally does. Joe placed his arms around Demi’s waist and set his hands upon her hips. He moved into her back to hug her and rested his chin on top of her shoulder and leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Demi: “Hey Joe.”

Joe: “Hi baby, you left me this morning I woke up and you were gone.”

Demi: “Well I didn’t go far only to the kitchen.”

Joe: “I see so what are you making?”

Demi: “Pancakes.”

Joe: “Yum; where’s mine.”

Demi: “They are coming.”

Joe: “Gracias.” (Thank you)

Joe gave her another kiss before walking over to the breakfast bar and sat down. When breakfast was done, she dished it out on four plates because their mum was home too.

Natalie: “Gracias, ¿quién lo hizo? (Thank you, who made it?)

Michelle: “Demi did Mama.”

Natalie: “Oh, sorry for not speaking English.”

Demi: “It’s fine and your welcome.”

Natalie: “Well Demi Gracias and it looks so good, also it’s great to see you again.”

Demi: “Again your welcome Ms. Martinez.”

Natalie: “Oh please call me Natalie dear.”

Demi: “Ok.”

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