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"Brothers by blood, boys by nature."

Chapter One:

Sullivan was the oldest being only 18 years young. He was one of the four Walker's children, he was one strong babe as his mother would put it. Not only did Sullivan, as well as Bash and Jupiter inherit their mother's dark coffee colored hair but as well as her gorgeous brown eyes. At six foot one, he was already taller than his ole father who was left at five foot eleven. Due to his height he had no trouble retrieving the honey bunches of oats box from the top shelf, it was only placed there because if there was any cereal at the reach of the youngest Max Walker, it would be gone by the next day. Miss. Walker would complain about their unhealthy eating style, even though they portrayed a fit athletic body, that she now refused to buy more cereal for the consumption of these boys. The Walker's family loved to live off cereal if only their mother would permit.

"You piece of shit!" Sullivan grunted when he only found one small cereal crumb from the empty box. Aggravated he shoved the bowl away from him, young Max made the accidental mistake of entering the kitchen with a bowl full of cereal, the last of honey bunches of oats.

"Hey-ya Sullivan," Max teased, taking a whole spoonful of deliciousness into his small mouth. Sullivan simply ignored the re-torment of his younger brother. He didn't bother wasting any time beating the hell of of Max because he only had fifteen minutes to decide what to eat before heading off to school. He opened the refrigerator as Max took a seat on the counter table, he made sure the crunches were loud and clear. Sullivan rolled his eyes. It was times like these when he wished his mother would cook him breakfast, maybe two eggs and bacon? Too bad mom was at the office.

Max by now left half of his breakfast uneaten. Typical Max. At the age of 14, he behaved like an eight year old, but don't let that fool you. Max was a prodigy. Yes that's right, it's hard to believe that besides his blond locks, he specified in music. No one can quite understand how a three year old learned how to play a piano. It's not a memory everyone can refer back to because no one really knows how it happened, all that they remember hearing is how he played music in daycare. It was unbelievably substantial that a three year old plays shit on a plastic piano like any three year old would, just hand a child a plastic instrument and let them bang the hell out of it. Genius.

"I fucked this chick called Ashley last night! You should of heard her, she kept moaning!" 16 year old Jupiter told someone on the phone with pride as he entered the kitchen, this immediately alerted Sullivan. It was true how he used profanity in the house when he had the right to, but hearing his brother Jupiter use profanity as a duchebag was no excuse.

"Shut up there's a kid here," Sullivan refereed to Max who seemed awfully offended by this.

Max bolted out of the chair before he returned his blue eyes to Sullivan, "Let him brag about it, at least he gets laid unlike you." Max snickered a smirk and ran away before Sullivan had time to react to the offence.

"You a piece of shit Max, you really are!" Sullivan called.

"She was a virgin!" Jupiter mocked just to get on Sullivan's temper.

Sullivan only ignored, watching Jupiter leave to get in the van. It was his turn to drive the one and only 2004 Toyota Sienna, a gift from their lovely grandparents. It's been over a year since Sullivan and Jupiter got their driving licence. Their parents disapproved to gift them with a car for each one, when it was news to their families about the situation. It was gramps who gifted them with the car, for both Sullivan and Jupiter. Not exactly what they wanted but the brothers could manage.

"Shut your mouth up!" Sullivan threatened with a butter knife in hand as Jupiter left, he knew it wouldn't scare Jupiter away but it was the thought that counted. He proceeded to spread butter on a loaf of bread.

It was Bash who snatched the bread away from the table when Sullivan left it untended to get a glass of milk. When Sullivan turned around with the glass in hand, it was already gone.

"Fuck you," Sullivan said annoyed. Living with three younger brothers sucks ass, he thought. As it goes with younger siblings, they wear your stuff and clothes and all in between, when unfairly you could not take any of their belongings because they would all lose their minds. There was already seven minutes left until the first bell would ring and the Walker's brothers were still home, "Here have the milk as well." Bash laughed off and and gulped the milk in one swallow.

"Max we're leaving for school!" Bash called once Sullivan reached the door, Bash scratched his dark hair, he could feel the tips curl even though his hair was short. It was decided he'll always keep his hair short because he hated his curly inherited from his father unlike Max who enjoyed his curls and blondness, he claimed that girls were attracted to that but they all knew he only loved his traits for the sake of narcissism. Even Mom and Dad knew, but they didn't say anything just to keep his altered ego in shape.

It didn't take long before Max came running down the stairs dressed like a hipster. White t-shirt, khaki shorts, black sunglasses and to top it off his favorite dark navy blue cap. Tumblr is a shit whole, Bash told Max once, again Max's world revolved on his 10.4k followers, so it didn't matter what his brothers told him.

Inside the air conditioned van, the four brothers listened to their music, all with their earbuds slammed inside their ears. If it was for Jupiter, they would listened to the radio, old style as he'd call it, but the brothers would always disagree. So it was decided that each one would listen to their own music. Each boy nodded to their musical beats. Sullivan calmed down with a few songs from Rex Orange County, Bash enjoyed Christian gospel, even though he kept it at low volume so no one could hear his embarrassing taste, Jupiter bobbed and hummed to random Spotify artist, and lastly, Max loudly rapped to Kanye West, he didn't care because his brothers wouldn't listen as long as they listened to their own music. Out of all of them, it was Max who sang the best.


Author's Note:

Okay hi, It would be joy if you could maybe comment and vote :D

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