02|| Old friends

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Chapter Two:

"You seem awfully happy today, Bash?" She teased him with her pencil.

"Well that's because I'm finally having the guts to ask Leah out," Bash threw her one of his charming smiles that would make the female population's ovaries explode, all for excepts for Macbeth's.

That's the one thing he first noticed besides her platinum blond hair, it was almost white, he often teased her about being Albino, even though her eyebrows and long lashes were in a  dark shade of brown. It was Macbeth who looked at him with her celestial angel eyes, ones that reminded him of the ocean. She looked at him as if he was a weird animal especially when he would smirk, often gained a few soft punches from her when he got a bit carried away with playing with her mind.

People would ask if they were a couple, they would share a confused look with each other and then laugh their asses off. Bash never saw more than a typical girl, but lately Macbeth seemed very bothered with his flirty ways. Bash even started noticing how she wore a coat of mascara, and on unusual days she would wear a light pink blush, mimicking embarrassment in his opinion. He never understood why she wanted to artificially look flushed when she was pale enough that anything made her blush in awkwardness.  The blush was slightly feathered on her high cheekbones. He disliked this new side of her, he wanted the girl who would laugh at his judgmental jokes about girls or who he'd laid on party nights.

"I shouldn't have asked," Macbeth pulled all her beautiful hair to her right side as she returned to pretend to being doing her AP Euro assignment, when both new it was nothing more than a few doodles of Napoleon as a potato.

"What's wrong with you?" Bash asked concerned, even though he sat next to her, he could see her sadden expression, "Are you in love?" he teased as the idea had never occurred to him before.

Macbeth's head snapped to look at Bash, clearly startled. He smirked to show off his white teeth, and that he was only joking with her. When he saw her expression remain still, he knew he'd hit a soft spot. Jealousy stormed through him, making Bash tense. It's not like he's into Macbeth, she's just a friend.

"He never pays attention to me," Macbeth spoke, clearing all doubt, it was destined that he'd lose her to another boy. Bash couldn't imagine Macbeth making out with the guy, she's his friend and as long as he is her's, he'll protect her.

"Then he's an idiot to not notice you because he's missing out on so much, who is he? Let me beat some sense into him," Bash contemplated with her, gaining a sly smile from her pink lips. He wondered how soft they were. Were those lips ever touched by others? a sudden thought came across his mind, God he's going to kill the bastard who'll take that away from her. Bash shook the awful thought from his head, he shouldn't be thinking about her in that way, Macbeth is your friend, he reasoned.

"I can't tell you but he's a sweet guy, makes me smile," She told Bash who already disliked him, "But he's too busy checking other girls out. I have changed so much for him. Make-up." Macbeth turned to Bash so that he'll have a full view on her artificial face, her natural beauty was covered up with make-up. 

He missed her small freckles that run over her nose to the valley of her cheeks. Some days when Macbeth would not notice, he pretended to connect them, Is this what it feels like to be near so many stars? Bash would ask himself when he secretly appreciated her beauty from afar like you would with art.

The more Bash tried to remember when Macbeth changed, he couldn't quite place a day to it.

"Then he's an idiot," Bash pocked her sides when she frowned and returned back to her own little world inside her head. She flinched and let out a yelp, making everyone turn their heads towards them. Bash and Macbeth froze, he kept his hand hovering on her. They both burst out laughing, gaining a warning from the teacher who was too busy talking on the phone.

"Do you think he's having casual phone sex" Macbeth surprised Bash, it was the first time she'd refereed to a sexual joke after he told her about having sex with a fellow classmate from their Chemistry class. It had bothered her for weeks, and she'd explain it was how he used girls that was wrong.

"No, I think you have to masturbate to that," Bash smirked, God he wondered how it would feel  to have Macbeth touching him. He felt his cheeks burn up with fire.

"You're such a disgusting person." Macbeth slapped away his hand that had fallen to remain on her leg.

Bash stayed quiet when Macbeth continued to draw on her paper. She at time would get in trouble for her drawings, but over time the teachers learned to admire her creative artwork when she hardly answered the many questions.

"Don't pretend I don't amuse you darling," Bash whispered into her ear that was decorated with three earrings.

Macbeth tensed, turned to Bash who had a smirk plastered on his face, it didn't even compared to his strong jawline that every girl desired to kiss. She seductively place her hand on his leg, making him stop from trembling. He was in always in motion, because he has to always stay in motion, that boy would never be in peace. Bash looked at her with such amusement in his eyes, guilt pinned his chest down because he shouldn't let her play with him like that, but he let her take control over his anticipated body. Macbeth trailed her hand up to his thigh, she felt how his leg was so toned under his cuffed faded blue jeans, just before she stopped her hand up to his hard stomach. And out of the blue, she pinch the heck out of him. He flinched in pain, it was Macbeth's turn to flash him her best smirk, only learned from the best. Bash threw her a hurtful look that never worked on plain old Macbeth, he knew better.

"Well I hope that answered that." Macbeth lightly chuckled as she retrieved her pencil that had fallen to the white floor at the process of touching Bash. She still felt his body under her skin, it was a complicated feeling she tried to deny.

"I will get back at you," Bash threatened.

Macbeth softly laughed, "Yeah? And how?" she challenged.

He thought for a brief moment before the idea finally struck him like lightning. His brown eyes lit up like fireworks on forth of July. Bash leaned in to face Macbeth's tender one. And before she could pull away, he cupped her neck to place a sloppy kiss onto her soft lips.

When he pulled away, he saw the horrified expression from his friends face, not shortly after he was frowning confused.

"Did you mean that kiss?" Her voice pleaded.

Bash was lost out of words. Macbeth knew better. Their moment was interrupted by the third bell.

"Well you got me back, hope you're satisfied!" Macbeth gathered all her belongings, shoving them in her backpack.

"Wait! Macbeth!" Bash called after she rushed out of them room without looking back. He tousled his hair in frustration. Anger roamed through him, if it wasn't for the new guy, the old Macbeth would laughed this one off. The only catch was that this new Macbeth was truly hurt by Bash's actions. Especially the unwanted first kiss.

Great, Bash thought, I screwed everything up. Why are girls so complicated?

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