6|| Party down the line

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Sullivan couldn't sleep at all. He hadn't spoken with Cath since their last meeting. He did try calling her in the hallway since she refused to acknowledge Sullivan in any way, her black hair had grown to shape over her small ears.

"Hey," Sullivan gasped, leaning against Cath's locker. She wouldn't speak a word, "Oh come on, you really going to give me the silent treatment?"

Cath picked up her black notebook, the notebook she'd been recording the life of the boys. Recently, she'd handed in the notebook for revision, they were satisfied with the project's outcome although there was still some editing to do. It was incomplete, it was missing an ending.

"No," She finally spoke.

Sullivan's eyes lit up with joy, but crinkled when she was walking away.

And that was it.

Sullivan had his arms rested behind his head, he was laying down on his comfy bed. Struggling between calling Cath or forgetting her was a barrier he couldn't brake down from. His room was dark as the shadows consumed all his thoughts.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Sullivan ordered.

There stood Jupiter. The light from the hallways entered from the doorway, and Jupiter flicked the light switch on, blinding Sullivan from the darken vision he adapted to. Jupiter walked up to his side of the bed, opposite to Sullivan's.

"What happened between you and Cath?"Jupiter interrogated when he sat down on his comfy bed, and undid the shoelaces of his red converse.

"Nothing," He frowned confused, nothing between Catch and him happened why would Jupiter think that?

"Good, because I want to ask her out ." Jupiter sang.

Sullivan bolt up and stared at Jupiter like he was a crazy person who escaped a mental hospital.

"What?!" He asked startled.

"Well nothing happened between you guys and she'd been depressing over your rejection. So." Jupiter explained, the sense of mockery in his eyes only proved Sullivan's suspicion. Jupiter wanted to play with Cath, Cath the Kitty Cat every boy chased, "Don't worry, I'll treat her with care and respect her." Jupiter explained.

"She's 17 and your 16." Sullivan tried to argue, but Jupiter was fascinated by this interesting fact.

"I like my girls mature," Jupiter smirked.

Sullivan's blood boil at the mention of Jupiter calling Cath his girl. It was then decided that Sullivan would see her, he jumped right out of bed, pulled out some basketball shorts from under his bed and put them over his boxers.

"Where are you going?" Jupiter asked when Sullivan borrowed one of his white t-shirts.

Sullivan smiled, knowing he wasn't about to lose the girl of his dreams. He'd now realized.

Sullivan was driving the van, lights flashing bright. He did a couple of turns when he stopped and drove slowly passing Cath's house. After he parked on the house's drive way, he got out. It was a bit cold for a summer night. Sullivan saw the window that corresponded to Cath, it had cats imprints all over them. But it was a second story house, which meant that if Sullivan wanted to see her, he had to climb the tree that brushed against her window.

Grunts and puffs were the outcome of climbing the tree, carefully stepping on each tree branch up to her window. Sullivan's heart beat raced against time. He pressed his hand on her clean window, lightly knocking. On the opposite side of the other wall, Cath looked at her window, it must be the wind, but the knocking kept continuing. Cath slowly retrieved a bat from her bedside table, the only reason she ever had a baseball bat was because she used to play for the small league of her elementary school when she was only nine years old. Then she discovered her secret passion besides baseball, writing.

Cath approached the window with a strong grip on the bat, and she opened the window causing Sullivan to fall right in. The cool breeze brushing against their skin. Sullivan was terrified to see Cath with a weapon. She rolled her eyes at Sullivan who winced.

"What are you doing here?" Cath grunted and walked back to her bed to place the bat this time under he bed.

"I came to apologize," Sullivan casually brushed his shorts from a few twigs and leafs he recollected from climbing the tree.

"Apologize for what? and if my parents come and see you here, you're dead." Cath warned, siting upright on her light blue bed.

Sullivan's eyes followed Cath's then at the door then back at Cath. He quietly locked the door, now they wouldn't find me, us, he thought.

"Apologize for being an idiot and being afraid of letting you go when the times comes for me to leave," Sullivan's words cried resentment and sadness, he sat next to Cath, his weight made her slide next to him, their shoulders slightly touching.

"You do know that I'm willing to wait," Cath whispered her thoughts to Sullivan and returned her gaze at him who was afraid of what would happen next, between them, and around them.

"You know I can't bare to keep time frozen for you, especially you Cath, it's unfair." Sullivan's voice turned husky as he whispered. It was the sound of his voice that scrapped the silence into shreds.

"Then I will wait for summer to approach me," Cath was a persistent girl, she always fought for what she was afraid she'd lose, the only difference was that Sullivan wasn't hers, he was Sullivan and that was pretty much it, "Just try me."

Sullivan took Cath's hand that rested on her lap, and slowly he began interlacing their fingers, then he let her go. Cath frowned at his action, it did hurt knowing that he wasn't willing to try as hard as she did. She knew that nothing ever lasted, but she was trying, she really was.

Sullivan than laid down on her bed, and he didn't ask Cath to come join him, she voluntarily did. Sullivan remained behind Cath, and he wrapped his strong arm over her waist, she grabbed his hand. He breathed in her sent, and lightly placed a soft kiss on her neck before he rested his head back on the pillow.

And together in bed, they began to slowly fall asleep.

One bed, and two beating hearts.

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