8|| Riley and Peter

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Chapter Eight:

Jupiter was pissed.

How could his own brother steal his girl. Sullivan had sworn he wasn't involved with Cath, next thing Jupiter knows is how Sullivan and Cath are tenderly cuddling on the sofa. At first it was hard to believe how Cath looked away from the television to greet Jupiter with a semi-wave as Sullivan kept his arms around her waist. Sullivan wasn't even paying attention to Jupiter who had entered the living room and now stood in surprise.

Jupiter was pissed after Bash had broken the fight with Sullivan yesterday. And now, he refused to talk to Sullivan whatsoever. It was already decided how their relationships would work out, Jupiter would live on as if Sullivan never existed and Sullivan would live on as if Jupiter never existed. The boys could manage. Both Bash and Max tried to gather the two separate brothers together on a date. Yes you heard right, Sullivan and Jupiter on a friendly date. But as you could probably imagine, things didn't go well for Bash and Max who caused more trouble, World War Three.

Instead Jupiter found himself walking the school's ground on a following Monday when he saw her. Riley Mockery. Just a freshman, maybe 15 or 16 years of age. The reason for the choosing was because of how similar she looked to Cath. Jet black hair, only her's ended below her waist in layers while Cath's was a pixie haircut. Jupiter knew that she was about one year younger. He'd spoken to her about two or three times in Biology class. Jupiter had asked Riley for answers, in which she gladly gave them. But Riley wasn't giving into his game, she had given him wrong answers which had caused Jupiter to have his grade lower onto a C+. Jupiter admired that from Riley, but he never spoke to her gain. Until now.

"Riley," Jupiter teased as he pushed her black glasses up her nose bridge. She slapped away his hand, trying hard to focus on the Bio lesson.

"What do you want Pete," This annoyed Jupiter since she'd given him the nickname of Pete, he had asked her why and she simply reasoned that his name "Jupiter" was stupid. He was truly offended by this, he thought his name was unique and exotic.

Jupiter only rolled his eyes at Riley, "Do you wand to go out sometime?" He found it hard to speak those unbelievable words out loud, they sounded so much better in his head.

Riley gave him a sympathetic almost sorry look, before she rethought his proposition, "What's in it for me?" She asked.

Jupiter wanted to laugh at her proposition now, "Well a date with this desirable boy, and maybe a kiss if you're lucky." He insisted, raising an eyebrow at Riley who wasn't convinced. It was a first time rejection, Jupiter was suffering.

"Uh? how about you buy me books. Each day we go out on a 'date'" She air quoted the word date, she loved how startled Jupiter was.

"What makes you think I'll be paying you with books when I'm the one asking you out?" Jupiter retorts with an amused look in his brown eyes. Riley momentarily thought before turning to face Jupiter.

"Because I know you don't want to go out with me, and let me cut too the chase. Who do you want to make jealous?" She asked.

"Cath," Jupiter finally was vulnerable, and in front of a girl.

"You mean my sister?" Riley frowned.

"Wait?! What?! You mean you're her sister?" Jupiter hissed.

It was when Riley burst out laughing and begins to shake her head, "Just messing with you." She giggled.

Jupiter could finally breath, "Don't play with me like that," He said a bit ashamed.

"What? you mean how you play with girls?" Riley lightly chuckled and wiped away a tear that had escaped her from laughing too hard.

Jupiter shook his head.

"Well as long as you treat me as only a friend, I don't want to be used as a rebound or something Peter." Riley took her glasses off, exposing her gorgeous green eyes, Jupiter never noticed before. He was now nodding in agreement, "and only if you buy me books."

Jupiter was about to disagree when again, he was nodding at her request.

"So we're only friends?" Jupiter lazily smiled at Riley who kept noting down notes, that he should also probably write down for that they had a pop quiz the following day, but Riley was now focused more importantly on the quiz.

"What? Do you want benefits," Riley sarcastically insisted.

"Well yeah," Jupiter answered with the same mockery tone in his words.

"Aye Peter, how I wish we could be- making out on your car. Where you'd probably kiss my neck then my shirt mysteriously disappears and like I said before, make out." She faked a smile.

Of course it did sound just as right to Jupiter who liked the idea of it but didn't tell her at all about what he thought.

"Jesus fine! no benefits- But please stop calling me Peter. It's, oh-I don't know, stupid!" Jupiter complained, returning to retrieve his pencil and copy the same notes Riley had copied down. He was a bit skeptical if her notes were valid at all, because last time he'd gotten a C+ because of her. Yet he still took chances as started to scribble down his notes in a messy hand writing, almost slanted.

"Exactly my point, Peter." She'd noticed how Jupiter was coping from her notes so he covered them with her arm to where Jupiter pulled away. There was not point in fighting with him. So she just let him be, her notes were confusing either way.

"Wow Riley way to lower a man's ego," He complained.

"As if you were a man," she again chuckled.

Jupiter wasn't appreciating her sarcastic talk at all.

"I am a man," Jupiter began writing harder, pressing the pencil's tip harder against the paper.

"Sure, Peter." Riley knew she was getting on Jupiter's side, she only did so, because she liked the effect she had on him. She'd never seen him trying to impress her at all like he did to other girls. She liked this side of Jupiter.

"Riley- stop calling me Peter!" He practically hissed at her.

"Okay, fine. I love you." She quietly whispered only for Jupiter to hear. He sat in complete shock, "Peter would you go out with me?" Riley touched his hand and he almost flinched by her action.

Jupiter sat there, having Riley's hand holding his. And all he could thing, why are girls complicated?


Author's Note's: Hey and hello :D there are only two more chapters after this and believe it or not, this will be my first completed story. :D

I do know that this has no specific plot point, I just wanted to write this short story as an experiment and basically an inside view on the lives of my Naive boys to brotherhood. SO yeahhh

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